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Thursday, November 21, 2019

0635 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Domestic Dispute Arrest, Officers responded to the location for a female calling saying her boyfriend struck her in the face.  Female stated the male half grabbed her by the neck and broke the door trying to make entry into the room she locked herself into.  Male half stated the female struck him with an iron and she broke the door attempting to get to him.  Both parties were arrested and transported to DOC for processing.  Report writtten *****Assisted by Daywork Units****

0835 hrs., Inlet St and Jodie St/ Hit and Run, caller stated a vehicle struck his and claimed they had time to stay to exchange all information.  Officers arrived on scene and were able to get in touch with the party that left the scene.  All information was exchanged with both parties.  No Report.

0903 hrs., Riverdale Rd and Fountainebleau Dr. / Suspicious person call, Caller stated there were three young males walking down Riverdale Rd.  Caller stated she did not know who the juveniles were and wanted officers to check them out.  Officers checked the area and were unable to locate the juveniles.  No Report

0930 hrs., Riverdale Rd and Fountainebleau Dr. /Suspicious Person call, Same call as above from the same caller.  Again Officers were unable to locate the juveniles.  No Report

0945 hrs., Police Station/ Accident, Officers responded to a minor vehicle accident in the parking lot.  Information was exchanged to both parties.  No Report

1018 hrs., 6500 block Quentin Ct/ Property Damage, Officers responded to the location and spoke to the owner of a vehicle who stated his vehicle was keyed and damaged.  While speaking to him it was discovered he believed it occurred in Baltimore City, he was advised.  No Report.

1025 hrs., Metro Points Hotel/ Disorderly person, Caller stated he did not have the money for the deposit so he called a friend, they friend then decided he wanted to stay in the room as well.  Caller said he was acting funny and wanted him to leave.  He was advised his name was on the agreement and it would have to be taken up with management of the hotel.  No Report

1053 hrs., 6400 block Inlet St/ Fight, caller advised there was a male and female outside arguing in a vehicle.  Officers arrived on scene and all parties were gone.  No Report

1210 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Harassment, caller advised she had a peace order against a female who continues to call her.  She handed Officers paperwork to serve the female.  When officers checked the address it was in another area of the county and we were unable to assist her.  She was advised to call the Prince George's County Sheriff's Department for assistance.

1240 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops of New Carrollton (foot patrol), check clear.

1300 hrs., Station call / Stolen tags, caller advised she parked her vehicle in this location with the tags on and when she came back several hours later the tags were stolen.  Officers took the report and entered the tags into NCIC as stolen.  Report written

1330 hrs., Premise Check/ Metro Points hotel, check clear.

1410 hrs., 8600 block Annapolis Rd/ Missing Person, Caller wanted to report him missing, at this time he had no information on the brother just that he last lived and was seen in District Heights.  He was advised to go to the residence once he has all the information and call from there.  No Report.

1440 hrs., 5800 block 85th Ave/ Assist Code Enforcement, Officers assisted Code Enforcement. Stickers were placed on the front and side door, and all officers were advised, no patrons were to enter the property other than residents.  No Report.

1520 hrs., 7700 block of Riverdale Rd/ Traffic stop, stop was cleared without incident.

1545 hrs., 7600 block Fountianebleau Dr. / Missing person, caller stopped officers to tell us her mother walked out of the house and possibly ran away.  The elderly female had many medical issues and medications to take back at the residence, therefore she returned home were her medications and daughter (caretaker) were.  No Report.

1700 hrs., Premise check/ 7-11, check clear.

1850 EPS/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd - employees called in reference to a male acting erratic and refusing to leave upon request. Officers were able to gain entry and take the subject into custody. The subject was transported to PGH for an emergency petition. Report written

1935 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd - met with staff and there were no issues reported. 

2130 Premise Check/ 6300 block Westbrook Dr. - the area was clear and Fire Watch was notified. 

2225 Suspicious People/ 7700 block Arehart Dr. - caller advised there were several males running around possibly checking car doors. Officers canvassed the area with negative results. No report

2235 Premise Check/ 6300 block Westbrook Dr. - the area was clear and Fire Watch was notified. 

2240 Disorderly/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - a male was in the store refusing to leave. Officers arrived and escorted the homeless woman from the store. No report

2330 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd - the business was closed and the lot was clear

2351 Premise Check/ 6300 block Westbrook Dr. - the area was clear and Fire Watch was notified. 

2357 Premise Check/ 5800 block 84th Ave - officers canvassed the area and it was clear.

0026 CDS Complaint/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - employee advised someone is smoking in the bathroom. The subject left prior to arrival. No report

0130 Premise Check/ 6300 block Westbrook Dr. - the area was clear and Fire Watch was notified. 

0146 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - officers canvassed the area and it was clear.

0155 Loud Music/ 8200 block Quentin St - music coming from a vehicle. Officers checked the area and did not hear any music or observe any vehicle occupied. No report

0215 Suspicious Person/ Legation Rd @ 85th Ave - while patrolling, an officer observed a male walking in the middle of the street close to vehicle car doors. The male was stopped and identified. Report written

0320 Premise Check/ 6300 block Westbrook Dr. - the area was clear and Fire Watch was notified. 

0430 Premise Check/ 5800 block 84th Ave -officers canvassed the area and it was clear.

0505 Premise Check/ 8300 block Annapolis Rd - the area was clear.


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