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Monday, November 11, 2019

0630 Hrs. Premise Check. 8500 block Annapolis Rd. - Officer made contact with the staff who stated that all was well with no criminal activity to report.
No Repot

0705 Hrs. Premise Check. 8400 block Annapolis Rd. - Officers made contact with the store clerks who started all was well with no criminal activity to report.
No Report

0823 Hrs. Vehicle Release 6016 Princess Garden Pkwy.

0902 Hrs. Premise Check. 6500 block Westbrook Dr. officers patrolled the area looking for criminal activity yielding in negative results.
No Report

0938 Hrs. Commercial Alarm. 7400 block Riverdale Rd. Officer responded to the listed location for an alarm at the service exit.
No Report

0952 Hrs. Vehicle Release. 6016 Princess Garden Pkwy.

1058Hrs. Disorderly person. 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. - Officers arrived on scene and made contact with the caller who stated the male subject was GOA and he no longer needed the officer's assistance.
No Report

1124Hrs. Premise Check Carrollton Enterprises. Officers conducted a premise check of the parking lots looking for any suspicious and or criminal activity yielding negative results.
No Report

1236Hrs. Suspicious Person. 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. -The caller stated a male subject was seen on the playground with a gun. Officers arrived on the scene and canvases the area and surrounding apartment complexes with negative results. Officers made attempts to contact the caller who requested not to be met by officers.
No Report

1234 Hrs. Found Property. 6000 block 87th Ave. -The caller stated they found a new pair of shoes outside the listed location. Officer arrived on the scene and collected the used shoes which had been tossed out.
No Report.

1330Hrs. Premise Check 8200 block Annapolis Rd. -Officers conducted foot patrol of the listed T/A and met with store management who started all was well.
No Report.

1503Hrs. Child Custody Dispute. 8400 block Cathedral Ave. -Officers made contact with the caller who stated she needed officers to escort her to see her son. Officers made attempts to contact the child’s father which yielded negative results.
No Report

1540Hrs. Citizen Complaint Long Branch & Carrollton Pkwy. -Officers responded to the listed location for damage to the playground area. Once on scene officer observed damage to fencing and a guard rail from a previous accident. Officer removed some of the debris and tapped off the area for safety.
No Report.

1622Hrs. Unknown Trouble 8300 block Larchwood St. - The caller stated she returned home and observed blood in her driveway. Officers responded out and made contact with the caller. The caller stated everyone in the home was ok and not injured. Officers determined that it may have been an injured animal that ran through the driveway.
No Report

1711Hrs. Stolen Auto 5200 block 85th Ave. - The caller stated he parked his motorcycle at the listed location. The caller stated when he returned the bike had been stolen by an unknown suspect and by unknown means.
Report written

1915 hrs. Premise Check/ 5300-5400 block of 85th Ave, check clear.

1945 hrs., Premise Check/ Heritage Square Apartments, check clear.

2020 hrs. Premise Check/ Fountainebleau Apartments, check clear.

2110 hrs., Check on the welfare/ 8500 block of Annapolis Rd, Officers observed a female staggering along the sidewalk and checked on her welfare.  She was stopped and it was observed she had been drinking but stated she did not require any assistance.  She was sent on her way.  Field contact was completed.

2130 hrs., CDS complaint/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd, There were no signs of anyone smoking CDS in the area and the males were Gone Prior to Officers arrival.

2200 hrs., Traffic stop/ 7900 block of Annapolis Rd, Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle.  The driver turned their lights on and they were sent on their way.

2213 hrs., Premise Check/ Darcars Dodge, check clear.

2250 hrs., Premise Check/ Shoppers Food Warehouse, check clear.

2310 hrs., Possible fight about to start/ Ihop, Officers arrived on scene and explained Management did not want them on the property and the employee was asked not to return tonight. The matter was settled and all parties left the area.

0005 hrs., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.

0020 hrs., Premise Check/ 5800 block of 84th Ave, check clear.

0045 hrs., Premise Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

0120 hrs., Premise Check/ 7700 block of Riverdale Rd, check clear.

0143 hrs., Suspicious vehicle occupied/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd, Officers observed two males sleeping in the truck parked in the parking lot.  both males were awakened and identified.  One male had an open warrant, yet when Officers arrived at the jail the warrant had been served.  The male was brought back and released.  
Report written

0230 hrs., Premise Check/ 8300 block Annapolis Rd, check clear.

0245 hrs., Premise Check/ New Carrollton Library, check clear.

0300 hrs., Premise Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

0325 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton, check clear.

0410 hrs., Premise Check/ Heritage Square Apartments, check clear.

0430 hrs., Premise Check/ 5300-5400 block of 85th Ave, check clear.

0505 hrs., Premise Check/ Darcars Dodge, check clear.


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