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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

0630 Search Warrant/ 6200 block Princess Garden Pkwy CIU served a Warrant on a residence looking for evidence. Follow up report will be handled by CIU

0830 Premise Check/ 6000 block 87th Ave and surrounding streets. Area was clear, 87th Ave blocked by PW for tree cutting

0850 Disorderly/ 8300 block Starwood St / wife attempting to pick up her daughter from her former residence. Wife has an active protective order against her husband. She gathered belongings and left without incident 

1019 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd met with GM no issues reported 

1050 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / spoke with manager, no issues reported 

1116 Recovered Property w/ Impound Veterans Pkwy @ Annapolis Rd / tag reader alerted officer of a MSP Pick Up Order. Tags were removed and vehicle impounded by Charlie’s Towing. REPORT WRITTEN

1145 Premise Check/ 5400 block 85th Ave area was clear 

1246  Vehicle Impound/ 6500 block Lamont Dr. / Two vehicles were disabled on the roadway one with no tags and the other with a suspended registration. Officers spoke with the owner/ driver earlier in the day. Parties exchanged information prior to officer’s arrival and refused police services. Parties advised they would obtain their own tow from the scene. Several hours have passed prior to being alerted by Chief Rice. REPORT WRITTEN

1433 Disorderly/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / subjects bothering customers at the store. Officer's arrived and spoke with subjects and sent them on their way

1640 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd area was clear

1743 Suspicious Vehicle/ 8300 block Carrollton Pkwy several males in a vehicle possibly smoking CDS. 

1745 hrs., Carrollton Pkwy at Quentin St/ Suspicious vehicle occupied, caller stated there were young males in the vehicle smoking CDS.  Officers located the vehicle and observed five males inside (one of which lived at the residence on the corner.)  Officers could smell the odor of freshly smoked marijuana. All males were checked, advised they could not just be sitting in the road smoking, and sent on their way.  REPORT WRITTEN

1900 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.

1949 hrs., 6100 block Lamont Dr. / Theft of a bicycle, caller stated a juvenile male just took his sons bicycle and fled up Westbrook Dr.  Officers canvassed the area, talked to neighbors who saw the juvenile, and ended with negative results. REPORT WRITTEN

2004 hrs., Donaghue Dr. and Lamont Dr. / Disorderly persons, caller stated there was a male and female arguing in the roadway and at this intersection.  Officers canvassed the area with negative results.

2014 hrs., 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / Hit and Run, caller stated the vehicle is her mother’s but her brother had been driving it for the last few days.  Caller advised she does not know where the damage took place and that her mother was out of town and will not be back for several days.  She was advised on what action she can take.

2110 hrs., Riverdale Rd and Annapolis Rd/ Accident, minor damage done to both vehicles and neither part complained of injuries on scene.  All information was exchanged between parties by Officers.

2115 hrs., 7-11/ Medical emergency, female flagged down Officers for her passenger having a severe asthma attack.  Officers called fire board, who handled the incident.

2146 hrs., 5400 block 85th Ave/ Breaking and Entering, caller stated someone broke into her apartment and stole an electronic device that was sitting out.  Officers processed the scene and notification was made to Detective Robinson and NC3. REPORT WRITTEN

2245 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, check clear.

2315 hrs., 7800 block Riverdale Rd/ Loud music complaint, caller stated the top apartment was playing music too loud and having a party.  Officers could hear the music when they entered the complex and advised the homeowner the party had to be shut down due to the amount of people, the loud music, and the fact that it is a weekday and people had to work in the morning.  They cooperated and all persons left the party without incident.

2345 hrs., 8200 block Annapolis Rd/ Suspicious person, Officers observed a male lying on the ground then attempting to get up and walk but fell several times.  The age of the male and his intoxication level led Officers to contact fire board to evaluate his condition.  Fire board transported him to the hospital for evaluation.

0013 hrs., Westbrook Dr. and Verona Dr. / Loud music complaint, Officers checked the area with no discovery of loud music but they did hear males talking loud, they were advised.

0034 hrs., 7700 block of Riverdale Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

0050 hrs., 7700 block Fins ln/ Assist Prince George's County Police with a vehicle accident involving a Metrobus truck.  Assistance was cleared without an incident.

0205 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, check clear.

0225 hrs., 7500 block Riverdale Rd/ Suicidal subject, female called stating she hit her brother in the face and now she wants to commit suicide by cutting her wrists.  Officers arrived to find the female outside being held by a male, male was stopping her from running away.  Once all parties were separated the male half stated the female was upset because he was not listening to how her night went at the club.  Male stated when the female drinks she gets moody and tonight she took a knife and put it up against her arm but did not make any cuts, just stated she wanted to kill herself.  She voluntarily went to the hospital to seek assistance.  

0250 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr. / check clear.

0330 hrs., Business check/ Darcars Dodge, check clear.

0400 hrs., Business check/ Shell Gas Station, check clear.

0430 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.

0500 hrs., Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.


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