0645 hrs., Business
check/ 7-11, check clear.
0705 hrs.,
Business check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0715-0745 hrs., Crosswalk Detail/ Lamont Dr. at Good Luck Rd,
assignment was completed without any incidents.
0800 hrs.,
Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.
0830 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave.,
Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and
around the vehicles, check clear.
0905 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 block Karen
Elaine Dr. Management is advising they have noticed several males
hanging out in the area of these buildings and inside the buildings as well,
they believe they are smoking CDS. Area checked, by foot, clear with
nothing found.
0938 hrs., 85th and Annapolis
Rd/ Suspicious Person, caller stated there was a Hispanic male passed out on
the bench of the bus stop. Officers searched the area and the area all
the way down to Ellen Rd with negative results.
0945 hrs., 5300 block 85th
Ave/ Suspicious Person, male was walking around punching in the
air. Officers spoke to him and checked to make sure he was alright and he
stated he was dancing to a song that made him want to throw his hands in the
air. He was checked and sent on his way.
1025 hrs., Westbrook Dr. and
85th Ave/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1045 hrs., 7900 Block of
Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1055 hrs., 8400 block
Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1100 hrs., 8300 Block of
Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1124 hrs., Annapolis Rd and
Ardwick Ardmore Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1145 hrs., 7800 Block of
Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1155 hrs., 8100 Block of
Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1215 hrs., 6000 block 85th
Ave/ Disorderly female, caller stated her daughter was allowing a
stranger to live in the residence without her allowing her to. When
speaking to both parties the caller stated there was no contract and the female
stated there was a contract, however she began to argue with officers and the
caller. Officers advised her she needed to leave the residence due to
arguing and being disruptive in the residence with the caller. The caller
was advised to seek the assistance of the Landlord Tenant court.
1245 hrs., Business check/ Beckett Field, check clear.
1312 hrs., 6000 block 85th
Ave/ Return call, this time the female brought a friend and she and
the female became argumentative and yelling at the homeowner. She was
again advised to stop arguing and being disruptive and leave the residence.
1340 hrs., Annapolis Rd and
Veterans Pkwy/ Accident, both cars had minor damage and no parties complained
about injuries. Both parties information was exchanged by Officers.
1405 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 block Karen
Elaine Dr. / Management is advising they have noticed several males
hanging out in the area of these buildings and inside the buildings as well,
they believe they are smoking CDS. Area checked, by foot, clear with
nothing found.
1430 hrs., Business check/ New Carrollton Swimming Pool,
check clear.
1510 hrs., Shoppers/ Vehicle
Accident, both vehicles had minor damage and no party complained of
injuries. One of the vehicles required a tire change and the other the
bumper was almost off, but the driver just did not feel safe driving it so she
was having someone come out and look at it.
1517 hrs., 8600 block Annapolis Rd/
Miscellaneous information, caller stated he noticed several items tossed
around in his vehicle. He did not observe any damage to the outside of
his door. Caller stated he did not call then but went to work in
Laurel. He contacted Laurel Police Department who advised him to return to
his residence and contact us. He then took a friend to the city of
Rockville to drop them off and then returned home to call. There were no
items taken out of his vehicle and he was advised that all attempts to recreate
what happened were destroyed when he entered the vehicle and left for the day.
1605 hrs., Shoppers/ Citizen flagged Officers
down and advised them there were 2 males and a female possibly getting ready to
steal items. Officers located the individuals and did not observe them
stealing any items.
hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave., Citizens
complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the
vehicles, check clear.
1705 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.
1720 hrs., Business check/ Plaza 30, check
1937 Threat/ 5800 block 84th Ave / the
complainant and her child’s father had a verbal dispute. After he left the
dispute continued via text. The male stated he would harm the complainant and
himself. The complainant was advised to seek a protective order and change
their location for child exchange. REPORT WRITTEN
1946 Disorderly/ 7700 block Annapolis Rd / citizen advised
they overheard males talking about robbing someone. Officers stopped
individuals matching the broadcast description. All subjects checked negative
for warrants. REPORT WRITTEN
2020 Family Dispute/ 5900 block Westbrook Dr.
/ mentally ill adult son was swinging a belt at his father. The son was not on
his meds, but took them while on scene. Family advised again to seek protective
order and eviction. REPORT WRITTEN
2050 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd / met with front
desk no issues reported
2145 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. / area was
2155 Disorderly/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd / a guest was
smoking on the 9th floor. Incident was handled by hotel management
2219 Commercial Alarm/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / Alarm from the
front door. Accidental by cleaning crew, no code for the system
2315 Premise Check/ 7500 block Topton St / area was clear
2335 Commercial Alarm/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / cleaning crew
was putting up their equipment
2350 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd / store closing
for the evening
0055 Assist/ 7500 block Annapolis Rd / PGPD stopped
male in the rear parking lot. NCPD provided back up only
0208 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd / apartment and
commercial areas were clear
0310 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd/ no issues
0420 Premise Check/ Mahoney Dr. @ Legation Rd
citizens complaining of parking violations. There no violations observed
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