0645 hrs., Business
check/ 7-11, check clear.
0720 hrs.,
Business check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0800 hrs., Residential
check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons
loitering in the building hallways, laundry rooms, front of buildings and
around the vehicles, check clear.
hrs., Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.
0901 hrs., 5200 block 85th Ave/ Fraud, caller stated she gave an
unknown male her username and password to her bank account in order for the
male to deposit money on a weekly basis. The caller was notified from the
bank that the checks were fraudulent, but she could not tell Officers
why. Caller just stated the bank needed a report, however they did not
provide her with copies of any of the paperwork or checks to support a proper
report be taken. Caller refused to give any information as to the agreement
between her and the male just that he was paying her to talk to him and send
him pictures. She was advised of what action she needs to take now and
what if any documentation she needs to produce.
0935 hrs., 7700 block Riverdale Rd/ Disorderly persons, caller
stated there was an incident last night at this location and he now sees two
vehicles that he does not recognize in the parking lot. Caller believes
the males in the cars were watching him load up the moving truck.
Officers canvassed the area and no vehicles matching the description were near
the caller. Found out the caller remained inside of his residence and officer’s
spoke to the brother outside on scene and the brother stated the males in the
vehicle were the same from last night. He was advised and Officers still
remained in the area checking.
1010 hrs., Business check/
CVS Pharmacy, check clear.
1030 hrs., Business check/
Plaza 30, (Foot Patrol), check clear.
1107 hrs., 7700 block Riverdale Rd/ Escort, this is the same
caller from the call listed above. Caller stated he wanted Officers to
escort him from his residence to his vehicle. Officers sat by while the
caller gathered his family and got into his vehicle. Caller then asked if
Officers can follow him to the store and to his new residence. The
residence is outside of Officers jurisdiction and advised him what action he
could take.
1200 hrs., 8200 block Carrollton Pkwy/ Assist Code Enforcement,
Enforcement Officer requested assistance from Officers to enforce a stop work
order. Officers assisted to keep the homeowner from getting upset, as she
did a few days ago. Officers assisted without an incident.
1312 hrs., 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / Accident, caller stated
someone struck the back of her vehicle but she did not know where it
occurred. Officers did not see any signs of the accident occurring at the
listed location. The caller was advised what action she could take.
1323 hrs., 5900 block Westbrook Terrace/ Suspicious package,
caller stated there was a package on her front door and she did not order
anything. Officers arrived and inspected the box, which was full of
vegetables and addressed to the callers husband. The caller was still not
sure who ordered the box but stated the name and address were correct.
1415 hrs., School check/
Charles Carroll Middle School, check clear.
1440 hrs., School
check/ Carrollton Elementary School, check clear.
1520 hrs., Business check/
Metro Points Hotel, check clear.
1550 hrs., Business check/
Beckett Field, check clear.
1610 hrs.,
Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.
1650 hrs., 7800 block Annapolis
Rd/ Assist Prince George's County Police with a fight in
progress. Officers arrived on scene and there was no one fighting at the
business. Both parties were refusing police assistance at this time, they
were advised.
1715 hrs., 7600 block Riverdale Rd/ Sex Assault, caller stated
while she was walking home from school a boy came up behind her and put his
hand on her mouth and touched her. After interviewing the Victim officers
located several witnesses whom we spoke with and canvassed the area for the
male. Detective Monge and NC2 were notified of the incident. REPORT
1940 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. / area was
clear, no suspicious activity observed
2041 MPS/ 5800 block
Mentana St / officers responded for a juvenile male who used gasoline to start
a fire. The fire was extinguished prior to officer’s arrival. There was no
damage to property or injuries. PGFD Fire Marshal responded and took over
investigations. The juvenile was petitioned by his parents at PGH. NC 2 was
2127 Theft/ 8200 block Annapolis Rd / male entered
the store asked the clerk for assistance. While in line, he grabbed the
Bluetooth speakers and fled on foot toward the Shell. Officers canvassed
the area with negative results. REPORT WRITTEN
2218 Unknown Trouble/ 5700 block Harland St /
male and female arguing. Officers arrived and spoke with the resident who
stated they did not call the police
2224 Unknown Trouble/ 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / male and
female arguing. Officers arrived and the unit number was incorrect. Dispatch
attempted to call back with negative results
2309 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd area was clear
0020 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd area was clear,
no issues reported
0132 Disorderly/ 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / mother
needed a protective order and emergency petition served on her daughter. The
daughter is currently in UM DOC and she was advised to notify PGSO so she could
be served
0200 Premise Check/ Heritage Square Apts. /
area was clear
0220 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd truck was
delivering flowers. There was no suspicious activity
0340 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd lot was clear,
the truck made its delivery
0420 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd business, as
usual, no issues reported
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