0700 hrs., Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.
0730 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.
0810 hrs., Business check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0930 hrs., Residential
check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons
loitering in the building hallways, laundry rooms, front of buildings and
around the vehicles, check clear.
1010 hrs., 5400 block 85th Ave/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1030 hrs., Business check/ Beckett Field, check clear.
1057 hrs., 5700 Block
of Mahoney Dr. / Parking complaint, ticket was issued for a parking violation.
1119 hrs., 6400 Block
of Fairborn Terrace/ Parking complaint, ticket was issued for a parking
1130 hrs., 7-11/
Assist Motorist, vehicle had smoke coming from the engine area of the
vehicle. Driver yelled to Officers her vehicle was on fire, and Officers
discovered it was an overheated radiator. The vehicle was moved from the pump
area into the parking lot and the owner was handling.
1210 hrs., 85th Ave
and Annapolis Rd/ Accident, Officers canvassed the area with no vehicles to be
found. Officers attempted to call the caller back with negative results.
1234 hrs., 5500 block
Karen Elaine Dr. / Unknown trouble, caller stated her boyfriend took her
children and the keys to the cars. Officers arrived to discover the male
was gone and the female stated the children were his and he has custody of
them. She was upset because he took the keys to her car and broke her
phone the other day. Caller stated she just wants him to give her the
stuff back but he can have the kids and the other car. Officers advised
her of what she needed to do but she was still upset.
1310 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine
Dr. - Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in the building
hallways, laundry rooms, front of buildings and around the vehicles, check
1326 hrs., 5500 block Karen
Elaine Dr. / Neighbor dispute, caller stated she approached her neighbor about
his car alarm going off for the past several days. He became irate and
started arguing with her. The caller stated she went into her residence
and called the Police because she felt she wanted him to argue with her.
Officers advised her to contact the homeowner and advise her to make the
complaint through the Home Owners association. She told us she would do
that then.
1400 hrs., School check/ Robert Frost Elementary School,
check clear.
1420 hrs., Residential
check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons
loitering in the building hallways, laundry rooms, front of buildings and
around the vehicles, check clear.
1505 hrs., School check/ Carrollton Elementary School, check
1550 hrs., School check/ Lamont Elementary School, check clear.
1600 hrs., Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise (Foot Patrol),
check clear.
1620 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.
1750 Accident/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd vehicle struck
another and fled without providing information. REPORT WRITTEN
1825 Disorderly/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd caller advised a male
threatened her after refusing to give him a cup for water. The male was gone
upon officer’s arrival.
2046 Theft/ 8401 Annapolis Rd suspect stole the store
motorized cart. Suspect fled on the cart toward 85th Ave. The incident was
recorded on store surveillance NCP1805052016
2258 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd area was clear, no
suspicious activity observed
0027 Disabled Vehicle/ 8300 block Annapolis Rd after canvassing
the area, officers could not locate the vehicle
0055 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. / area was
clear, no suspicious activity observed
0103 Missing/ 6600 block Good Luck Rd juvenile female
left home without permission to an unknown location. Officers along with the
parents attempted to locate a friend’s residence with negative results. NC3 was
notified and PGPD Persons. REPORT WRITTEN
0135 Parking Complaint/ 7500 block Riverdale Rd vehicle blocking
another vehicle.
0315 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd business as
usual, no issues reported
0410 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd area was
0525 Return Missing/ 6600 block Good Luck Rd juvenile returned
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