0650 hrs., Business
check/ 7-11, check clear.
0730 hrs., 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr. / Check the area for
school bus and school children in the areas safety. Check clear.
0800 hrs., Charles Carroll Middle School/Follow
up to incident from yesterday. School Security assisted in the location of the
suspect from yesterday’s incident and Officers and NCPD Detectives interviewed
0856 hrs., 8300 block Larchwood Rd/ Family
Dispute, caller stated her son was at her residence with his girlfriend asking
for pills. Caller stated he stole his girlfriend’s pills and was asking
for more of hers and when she told him no he got upset and pushed her.
Officers saw no signs of injury but the son was asked to leave the residence by
the caller. Son left without any issues and the theft occurred in
Washington D.C. and the girlfriend was advised.
1005 hrs., 6400 block 86th Ave/ Accident,
Public works trash truck struck a parked vehicle. No injuries and minor
damage to both vehicles. NC2 was made aware of the accident. REPORT
1026 hrs., CVS/ Theft, caller was the manager
who stated an unknown male and female walked into the store and possibly stole
items. At this time she did not see them steal anything nor did she check
the aisles they were in but the alarm went off when the male left the
store. Officers canvassed the area with negative results.
1030 hrs., 8300 block Verona Dr. / Suspicious
person, caller stated there was a male at the bus stop doing push-ups.
Officers spoke to a male who was working out by running and stopping to do push-ups
in the area while running. He was fine and sent on his way.
1120 hrs., 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr/ Suspicious
activity, caller stated she and a friend got into an argument last Saturday and
today and she felt threatened. She stated while they were arguing he went
to his trunk, where she stated he had a gun. After talking further to her
the weapon was not confirmed and she never saw it and then he may not have had
one. The caller simply stated she called us because she was upset with
him and did not know what to do. She was advised.
hrs., Business check/ Shoppers (Foot Patrol), check clear.
1302 hrs., Annapolis Rd and Ramp to SR 495/
Accident, two disabled vehicles both parties went to the hospital for injuries
claimed on scene. Both vehicles were impounded. REPORT WRITTEN
1439 hrs., 7700 block Powhatan St/ Suspicious
male, caller stated there was a male in a vehicle with a gun and he has a
warrant. Officers arrived on scene and did not locate the vehicle, we
then knocked on the door and there was no answer at the residence. Officers
made contact with the caller who stated the male was her husband and she wanted
to know where he and her children were because they separated several weeks ago
and she has not talked to them in a few days. There is no custody
arrangement in place; therefore she stated he can have the children unless he
is committing crimes with them. The caller was advised as to what steps
she can take.
1505 hrs., CVS/ Theft, caller was the manager
again who stated this time a male came into the store and she believes stole
some grocery items. Officers asked if she saw the theft and again she did
not see if anything was stolen. Officers canvassed the area with negative
1600 hrs., Annapolis Rd and SR 495 ramp/
Accident, a vehicle was damaged on the roadway and the other vehicle fled the
area. The second vehicle came back and at the time the battery on the
first vehicle had died. The accident occurred in David Sector of Prince
George's County Police and they were advised. They were extremely busy
and asked Officers to exchange information on their behalf.
1615 hrs., 7-11/ Disorderly, caller was having
a disagreement over the price of gas with the employee. Offices spoke to
both parties and advised the caller what steps he can take to attempt to fix
the problem he was having with the gas price.
1632 hrs., Station call/ Hit and Run, caller
stated her vehicle was struck yesterday in a location that is outside of our
jurisdiction. At this time she did not want a report she just wanted to
know what steps to take next. She was advised.
1733 hrs., 8400 block Annapolis Rd/ Commercial burglary
alarm, Officers checked all doors and they were secure. At this time
there is no known cause for the activation.
1740 hrs., 8200 block Carrollton Pkwy/
Suspicious person call, Officers responded for the caller stating she was being
harassed by one of the employees of the City of New Carrollton. While
attempting to figure out what exactly happened, caller became upset stated we
were not helping her and to get away from her. At this time she refused
any help or to listen to what questions we had in an attempt to come up with a
1820 Domestic/ 6200 block 86th Ave / husband
and wife having an altercation. Wife alleged that her husband pushed her.
1940 Trespassing Complaint/ 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / male who
should not be at the residence. The male left prior to officers’ arrival
2010 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd business as
usual, no issues reported
2034 Unknown Trouble/ 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / caller
called and hung up. No answer on call back. The caller was suffering from a
medical emergency. EMS responded and transported the caller to the
2115 Check Welfare/ 7700 block Powhatan St / mother
wanted to check on her children. The children were ok and mother was notified
2226 Vehicle Impound/
6200 block Westbrook Drive / vehicle was parked in the parking lot without
tags. Officer checked the VIN and vehicle returned unregistered. Charlie's
Towing was requested and vehicle impounded. REPORT WRITTEN
2318 Disorderly/ 5200 block 85th Ave / male knocking hard
on the door. The male lives at the location. His family was inside sleeping
0006 Noise Complaint/ 7800 block Riverdale Rd /
people were having a graduation party. Resident lowered the music and was in
the process of shutting down
0035 Suspicious
Vehicle/ 6400 block Fairborn Terr. / vehicle was
parked in front of the residence with a male sleeping in the vehicle. Contact
was made and the male was a Lyft driver who was drowsy. The male checked
negative for warrants and was sent on his way. REPORT WRITTEN
0142 Disorderly/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd subjects were in
front of the store begging for money. The people in question were patrons
waiting for their ride.
0240 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd business was
receiving a delivery and security was on premises.
0330 Premise Check/ 6400 block 85th Ave area was clear
0500 Premise Check/ 6900 block Good Luck Rd area was
0545 Hit & Run/ 6900 block Good Luck Rd officers
responded to the area. There were no vehicles and no response at the residence.
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