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Thursday, May 10, 2018

0635 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.

0650 hrs., Business check/ Lowe's (Foot Patrol), check clear.

0719 hrs., 8000 block Legation Rd/ Theft from auto, caller stated someone broke the window out of the passenger side of her vehicle and stole items.  This occurred sometime during the night and Officers canvassed the area and did not locate any other vehicles with damage at this time. REPORT WRITTEN

0800 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr. / check for the bus’s stopping and the safety of the children in the area getting onto the bus.

0825 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in the building hallways, laundry rooms, front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear. 

0910 hrs., Business check/ CVS Pharmacy (Foot Patrol), check clear.

0919 hrs., 8500 block Annapolis Rd/ Accident, minor damage to both vehicles and no claims of injury on scene.  Information was exchanged by Officers to both parties.

0945 hrs., 5700 block 85th Ave/ Residential Alarm call, accidental by homeowner (who was on scene).  

1015 hrs., 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / Vandalism, caller stated an unknown person broke out the front passenger side window of their vehicle.  Caller stated nothing was taken at this time. REPORT WRITTEN

1100 hrs., Business check/ New Carrollton City Pool, check clear.

1125 hrs., School check/ Lamont Elementary School , check clear.

1200 hrs., School check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, check clear.

1215 hrs., 5400 block 85th Ave/ Check on the Welfare, Officers responded to this area for a check on a male that was lying on the ground.  Offices located the male and ascertained if he required any medical attention and he refused.  While investigating it was discovered the male had an open warrant for Trespass through Prince George's County Sheriff's Department. The male was arrested and transported to DOC. REPORT WRITTEN

1300 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in the building hallways, laundry rooms, front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear. 

1405 hrs., Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.

1445 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr. / check for the bus’s stopping and the safety of the children in the area getting off of the bus.

1505 hrs., Business check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

1550 hrs., Business check/ Metro Points Hotel, check clear.

1620 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.

1640 hrs.,   5300 block 85th Ave/ Breaking and Entering, Caller stated sometime after he fell asleep an unknown person walked into his residence and stole several items.  There was no forced entry to the residence.  Notification was made to Detective Robinson.  REPORT WRITTEN

1822 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. / area was clear, no suspicious activity observed 

1900  Burglary/ 8000 block Legation Rd unknown suspect entered the rear yard and burglarized the shed. The suspects stole yard tools. REPORT WRITTEN

1950 Premise Check/ 8200 block Annapolis Rd business was clear, no suspicious activity observed 

2100 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd store was clear, no suspicious activity observed 

2210 Premise Check/ 8200 block Annapolis Rd businesses closed for the evening. 

2316 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd all clear, business as usual 

0010 Suspicious Vehicle/ 8300 block Oliver St / caller advised of a vehicle occupied. Upon arrival, the vehicle was empty and legally parked. The caller did not want to be met.

0106 Trespassing Arrest/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd the arrested was observed by officers rolling on the ground in front of the store. Officers made contact and learned the arrested was also arrested on 5/8/2018 at the same location for disorderly conduct.  The arrested was trespassed during that incident. The arrested was transported to Department of Corrections Regional Processing,. Hyattsville, MD for presentation of charges. REPORT WRITTEN

0240 Premise Check/ 5800 block Runford Dr. / area was clear

0330 Premise Check/ 6100 block 84th Ave / area was clear

0410 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd business closed for the evening. Truck arrived making a delivery.

0445 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd area was clear


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