0700 hrs., Business
check/ 7-11, check clear.
0730 hrs., Business
check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0800 hrs., Business
check/ Carrollton Enterprise (Foot Patrol), check clear.
0820 hrs., School
check/ Lamont Elementary School, (Foot Patrol officers assisted with the
Halloween Parade) check clear.
0910 - 1000 hrs., Traffic Detail/ Leahy
Rd. Officers conducted a traffic detail in this area due to citizen complaints
of vehicles committing traffic violations in an endangering
0913 hrs., 5200 block 85th Ave/ Property Damage, caller
stated she parked her vehicle in the lot and when she returned she found damage
to the front quarter panel of the vehicle. REPORT WRITTEN
0939 hrs., 6400 block 85th Pl/ Threats
complaint, caller stated an associate of her roommate is making threatening
calls. She feels afraid for her life and is afraid the associate may harm
her. She was advised what actions she could take. REPORT WRITTEN
0952 hrs., 8100 block Annapolis Rd / 911 hang-up
call, Officers arrived on scene and searched the business with no signs of
distress. Manager believes it to be a faulty telephone line and has had
their IT department looking into it.
1015 hrs., Business check/ CVS Pharmacy, check clear.
1040 hrs., Business check/
Lowes (Foot Patrol), check clear.
1056 hrs., 8300 block Donaghue St/ Death
report, Officers assisted the Fire Department with a death investigation.
Officers made notification to Lt. Butler and the Medical Examiner. REPORT
1119 hrs., 8300 block Annapolis Rd/ Suspicious Vehicle
occupied, Officers located a vehicle with a young female sleeping inside.
Offices were able to wake her to discover she was a college student waiting for
her father who was inside one of the businesses. Her father came back to
the vehicle and verified she was in good health. They were sent on their
1338 hrs., 8500 block 86th Ct/ Assist Prince George's
County Missing Persons Detective. They sent pictures of the possible
missing person and asked if the Mother was able to identify her from the Metro
pictures. The information was passed onto the Detectives.
hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave., Citizens complaint
of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles,
check clear.
1450 hrs., Business
Check/ 8300 block Annapolis Rd (Foot Patrol),
check clear.
1529 hrs., 8100 block Annapolis Rd/ Disorderly Persons,
caller stated the people at the business were rude and mean to her. Once
officers arrived at the business we attempted to locate the caller but she
stated they told her to leave so she did. At this time she did not want
any Police assistance.
hrs., Residential check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr., Citizens
complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the
vehicles, check clear.
1625 hrs., Annapolis Rd and Riverdale Rd/
Accident, minor damage and no injuries. Officers exchanged
information between both parties.
1636 hrs., 8400 block Annapolis Rd/ Disorderly Person,
caller stated the business refused to give her the money back from an order she
cancelled. The business did not have the item she wanted and attempted to
give her another to replace it. Caller did not want the items and the
business refused to cancel the order and return the money. She was given
information on what she can do.
1735 hrs., 7600 block Fountainebleau Dr./ Theft, caller
wants to report that the maintenance workers are stealing her clothes.
Caller stated it happened sometime between Thursday night and last
night, but did not know for certain. Caller did not have any details on
any of the items stolen or specific information on them; she just stated a bag
full of stuff. She was advised what action she could take and to gather
all of the information on the items she could in order for us to assist
1738 hrs., Annapolis Rd and Riverdale Rd/
Accident, minor damage and no injuries. Officers exchanged information
between both parties.
1920 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. / area was
clear, no suspicious activity observed
1950 Premise Check/ Plaza 30 business as
usual, no suspicious activity observed
2015 Landlord-Tenant/ 6016 Princess Garden Pkwy parties flagged
down officers and inquired about rental procedures
2110 Premise Check/ 8300 block Annapolis Rd area was clear
2220 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd /business closed
for the evening
2302 Premise Check/ 7300 block Oakcrest Dr. /
area was clear, to include Gavin St
2315 Premise Check/ 6000 block Harland St / while canvassing
the area, officers noticed the front doors open. The property was checked and
2348 Premise Check/ 58-6000 block Mentana St / area was
clear, no suspicious activity
0200 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / business as
0415 911 Open Line/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd / dispatch had an
open line with static. The business was closed for the evening.
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