0645 hrs.,
Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton, check clear.
0715 hrs., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.
0730 hrs., School Check/ Margaret Brent, check clear.
0815 hrs., Premise Check/ New Carrollton Public Library, check
0844 hrs.,
TD Bank/ Disorderly person, caller advised they were trying to open the bank
and a female was blocking the door being belligerent to them.
Officers arrived to see a female sitting in front of the door and the employees
needed to enter the business. When Officers asked her what was going on
she proceeded to scream and yell obscenities to them and call them very
inappropriate names. Officers finally talked the female into leaving the
front of the business to allow the employees enter. She walked to
the corner of the street and the parking lot where she continued to yell.
At this point Officers approached her in an attempt to take her to the
hospital, when she decided to jump into traffic with cars coming at her.
Officers took swift action and grabbed her before she could be struck with
approaching traffic. Female was transported to the hospital for treatment.
Report written
0930 hrs., Premise Check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr, check
1020 hrs.,
New Carrollton Public Library/ Commercial Alarm, alarm company stated it was an
alarm coming from the downstairs of the building. Officers arrived and
located maintenance who had entered the building through the downstairs to work
on the building. Officers spoke to them and they were permitted to be in
the building it was accidental. No Report.
1100 hrs.,
Starbucks/ Disorderly, caller advised there was a male there asking people for
money and coffee. Officers located him and advised him to be on his way,
he left with no further incident. No Report.
1144 hrs.,
8400 block Annapolis Rd/ Disorderly person, caller advised there was a male at
the location being argumentative with employees. When Officers arrived
the employees stated he had already left the business. Officers gathered
a description and searched the area with negative results. No
1200 hrs.,
6400 block of Fairborn Terrace/ Vehicle accident, caller advised it was a minor
vehicle accident with no injuries. Officers arrived on scene and no party
claimed injury. One half could not find the insurance information so
officers obtained it for her and subsequently gave it the other half for the
information exchange. No Report.
1230 hrs., School Check/ Carrollton Elementary School, check
1310 hrs., School Check/ Lamont Elementary School, check clear.
1350 hrs., Premise Check/ 6600 block of Chestnut Ave, check clear.
1425 hrs., School Check/ Robert Frost Elementary School, check
1500 hrs.,
Metro PCS/ Stolen phone, caller advised she knew who had her phone and she
wanted an officer to call her to see what she could do. Officers
contacted her and advised her if she knew who it was that she was to go to the
Commissioners office and file the charges with them. The incident
happened outside of the city as well. No Report.
1534 hrs.,
5300 block 85th Ave/ Domestic Dispute, caller advised her boyfriend changed the
locks on the door. Officers arrived with no male half on scene and she
was advised as to what she can do. No Report (Civil Matter).
1555 hrs.,
Station/ Found Property, a citizen turned in a wallet sometime last week to the
municipal building. Officers then took possession of the wallet and
placed it into property in hopes of contacting the owner. Report written
1615 hrs., Premise Check/ 5300-5400 block of 85th Ave, check clear.
1645 hrs.,
Annapolis Rd and Veterans Pkwy/ Vehicle Accident, caller advised minor damage
to the vehicles. Officers arrived on scene and found two vehicles with
minor damage and no parties claimed injury. Information was exchanged
between parties by officers. No Report.
1707 hrs.,
7700 block of Riverdale Rd/ Vehicle Accident, officers observed two vehicles
stopped in the turn lane of the roadway. Officers spoke to both parties
and the driver of one vehicle stated the other driver struck them. No
damage could be seen but the driver stated his turn signal light was loose so
he requested information be exchanged. Officers exchanged information between
parties and no injuries were claimed on scene. No Report.
1820 Premise Check/ 8400 Block Annapolis Rd - it was
business as usual.
1924 Accident/ 8300 Block Oglethorpe St - a
vehicle was passing a parked vehicle when the driver of the parked vehicle
opened their door. Parties exchanged information with the assistance of
officers. No report
2000 Premise Check/ 8500 Block Annapolis Rd - the
area was clear.
2220 Premise Check/ 7700 Block Riverdale Rd - it was
business as usual. The store was preparing to close.
2250 Premise Check/ Harland at Sara St and
surrounding streets - the area was clear.
2318 Premise Check/ 8100 Block Annapolis Rd - the
business was closed and the lot was clear.
0030 Premise Check/ 8300 Block Cathedral Ave and
surrounding streets - the area was clear.
0045 Noise Complaint/ 8300 Block Oglethorpe St - caller
advised a car alarm was going off. Prior to arrival, the alarm was shut off. No
0120 Premise Check/ 8400 Block Annapolis Rd - it was
business as usual.
0200 Premise Check/ 8500 Block Annapolis Rd - it was
business as usual.
0315 Suspicious Person/ 6200 Block 87th Ave - the caller
observed a male from the ring camera in front of the house. Officers checked
the residence with negative results. No report
0400 Premise Check/ 7700 Block Riverdale Rd and the
surrounding multi-family were clear.
0450 Premise Check/ 8200 Block Annapolis Rd - the
area was clear.
0500 Premise Check/ 8400 Block Annapolis Rd - it was
early morning rush. No issues reported or observed.
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