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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

0600 Premise Check/ 5800 Westbrook Dr. - deployed speed camera truck, the area was clear 

0800 Premise Check/ 8200 block Annapolis Rd area was clear

0940 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd -no issues reported, business as usual

1030 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd- no issues reported, business as usual

1130 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd -no issues reported by staff, business as usual

1155 Fraud/ 8200 block Annapolis Rd -female suspect entered the branch attempting to withdraw $25k using a fraudulent Maryland D/L. The suspect fled prior to officer’s arrival. REPORT WRITTEN

1305 Disorderly/ 5900 block Westbrook Dr. - emotionally disturbed son complaining about his parents. Parents were advised again to seek a protective order.

1310 Theft from Auto/ 8300 block Annapolis Rd -unknown suspect stole both front and rear tags from the victims' vehicle. The victim delayed in reporting due to having to go to work. REPORT WRITTEN

1325 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - area was clear, no suspicious activity observed

1458 Disorderly/ 5700 block 85th Ave -older sibling took the younger siblings toys and refused to give them back

1540 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd -area was clear

1630 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd -no issues reported, business as usual

1650 Accident/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd -parties exchanged info

1845 hrs., 8400 block Annapolis Rd/ Accident, once Officers arrived on scene it was changed from an accident to Disorderly person.  The manager asked us to stand by while he advised the male he did not want him back again.  Management handled it.

1855 hrs., 8300 block Nicholson St/ Follow up, Officer needed to gather more information to complete a report.  Negative results.

1900 hrs., Business check/ Shoppers Food Warehouse (Foot Patrol), check clear.

1915 hrs., 8400 block Annapolis Rd/ Accident, Upon arrival Officers realized there was a language barrier between the parties.  Officers were able to finally able to decipher what occurred and exchanged information between parties.

2000 hrs., 6600 block Adrian St/ Hit and Run, Officers arrived on scene to discover the incident occurred yesterday.  The caller took her vehicle to and from work before calling about the damage, therefore Officers were unable to determine where or when the damage actually occurred.

2045 hrs., 8300 block Annapolis Rd/ Business check (Foot Patrol), check clear.

2130 hrs., Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.

2140 hrs., 8600 Block of Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

2150 hrs., 7500 Block of Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

2205 hrs., 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr./ CDS complaint, caller stated there were two people in the building smoking CDS.  Officers located a male and female in the basement of the building.  There were no signs of CDS being smoked and they parties were talking. REPORT WRITTEN

2205 hrs., Darcars/ Alarm call, Officers were on the property already cleared it out with nothing found.

2237 hrs., 6600 block Adrian St/ CDS Complaint, caller stated there was a 19 year old man in front of the residence smoking CDS.  Officers checked the area with nothing found and no signs of CDS use.

2250 hrs., 5800 block Harland St/ Officers observed a vehicle running parked in front of the residence.  Male inside stated he was leaving the party, he was sent on his way.

2300 hrs., 5800 block Harland St/ Loud music, Officers could hear the music playing from several feet away.  Officers approached the house and spoke to the homeowner and advised them to turn down the music.

2315 hrs., Mahoney Dr. and Riverdale Rd/ Parking Tickets issued (x2)

2355 hrs., 6900 block Good Luck Rd/ Family Dispute, caller stated he and his Father were arguing because he disrespected his Mother.  The Father said it was his house and he was not going to let his son disrespect his wife.  Both parties were advised but the parents stated they could not do anything to their son it is a holiday.  They were all advised.


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