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Saturday, June 17, 2017

0620 hrs Premise check 5200-5400 block of 85th; all clear 

0710 hrs Premise check 8400 block Annapolis road; all clear 

0738 hrs Premise check 7790 Riverdale road; all clear 

0808 hrs Premise check 8400 block of Annapolis road; all clear 

0850 hrs 8400 block Annapolis road; all clear. 

0915 hrs Welfare check 8500 block Annapolis road; Police communications wanted NCPD officers to check on the sheriff deputy working secondary employment. Officers were cancelled while in route by Dispatch who advised they made contact with the deputy and he was ok and out of service. 

0940 hrs Theft from auto 7700 block Riverdale road, Victim reported S-1 entered her secured vehicle by unknown means and stole bank cards and $40.00 in cash.  No damage to her vehicle, she was provided with case numbers and advised. Report written

1025 hrs Premise check Preston and 86th avenue; all clear 

1112 hrs Premise check 6000 block of Mentana Street; all clear 

1200 hrs Assist /Southbound 495 Beltway at Rt. 50 exit, Prince George's County Police Department requested a vehicle with a cage for an unruly prisoner.  PGPD requested assistance from New Carrollton PD to transport a prisoner to Prince George's Hospital Center.  New Carrollton officers did not make any physical contact with the prisoner or use department issued hand or leg restraints.  That was handled by county officers, and the body camera was activated for the entire incident. 

1240 hrs Disorderly 5500 block Karen Elaine Drive, Caller who wished to remain Anonymous reported several males loitering in front of the building. The suspects were gone prior to officer's arrival, the caller did not provide any descriptions or direction of travel, all clear no report. 

1304 hrs Assist/Disorderly 6800 block Riverdale Road; Police communications advised units were busy and requested NCPD assistance to assist B-1 with a Disorderly male at the pool. Officers responded and assisted, the suspect was subsequently placed under arrest by B-1 for trespassing. All clear no report. 

1345 hrs Hit and Run 8100 block Annapolis Road, caller stated while making a right into the dodge dealership, an unknown white vehicle struck her rear bumper and fled the scene. Upon officer’s arrival, the caller stated she noticed no damage was done to her vehicle and she refused further police services and medical attention.  No report. 

1430 hrs Traffic detail 6100 block of 85th place, several vehicles were stop for various traffic offense, citations issued. 

1547 hrs Assist/Disorderly 7400 block Annapolis road, county units were busy, and Dispatch requested assistance for a Disorderly customer. NCPD officers responded and escorted the customer out of the store without any incident.   Body camera was activated.  No report. 

1619 hrs Loitering complaint 7800 block Riverdale Road, the caller who wished to remain anonymous reported two males Loitering  in front of the building. Further investigation revealed, they were waiting for an Uber which arrived on scene. All clear no report. 

1650 hrs Assist Warner Ave. and Cooper lane, B-10 requested all available marked cruisers including NCPD assistance, to apprehend an suspect wanted for murder.  The suspect was placed into custody by PGPD without any incident. No NCPD officers were injured in this incident. All clear no report. 

1734 hrs Assist Veterans Parkway at Route 50, off duty Maryland state trooper stopped a vehicle for DUI. The off duty trooper requested priority response, officers arrived on scene to standby for officer safety.  PGPD arrived on scene and assumed all police investigations. 

1825 hrs 6000 Block of Harland St/ Residential check, 6000 block of Harland St, citizen complaints of CDS use by male hanging out in the area and do not live there, check clear.

1845 hrs Residential check/ 8600 block Preston St, check due to the male half being involved in a prior violent domestic and having a Protective order against him.  Check clear.

1910 hrs Business Check/ City of New Carrollton Pool, check clear.

2000 hrs Business Check/ Lowes (Foot Patrol), check clear.

2016 hrs 7800 block Riverdale Rd/ Caller stated his roommate placed all of his belongings outside on the porch.  When Officers spoke to the caller he stated he was moving out of the house but did not feel it was right that she moved it before he did.  He was advised but stated he was moving out at the end of the month.  The roommate was not at the residence to speak with.

2030 hrs Business check/ Heritage Square Apartments, check clear.

2050 hrs Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear.

2110 hrs Business check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.

2220 hrs 6400 block Fairborn Terrace/ Loud music complaint, Officers arrived on scene and spoke to the homeowner who turned the music down to a reasonable level.  Very compliant 

2245 hrs., 8314 Verona Dr./ Loud Music complaint, Officers arrived on scene and the music was not loud until we walked up on the driveway.  Homeowner was advised there was a complaint and he willingly turned the music down and was advised about the ordinance.  Neighbor met Officers and advised he was not happy he wanted it shut down because it continued to shake his windows, and he stated he has had several problems with them.

2255 hrs Le Fontainebleau Club/ Assist Prince George's County Police with a fight in the ambulance between party goers and Paramedics.  County handled the incident, which had ended prior to Officers arrival.

2310 hrs 7600 Block of Riverdale Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

2326 hrs 8600 block Powhatan St./ Suspicious Person call, caller stated there was a male and a female going back and forth to a white car putting stuff under the seats.  Officers spoke to both male and female who lived at the location and stated they had lost their keys.  Caller and persons are having landlord/tenant issues, they were advised.

2340 hrs 7700 block Riverdale Rd/ Loud Music, Officers arrived on scene and located several cars parked blocking other cars in and a party on the deck of an apartment.  Officers located the renter and had the vehicles moved and advised them of the loud noise and the party needed to be taken inside.

0005 hrs 7500 block Riverdale Rd/ Officers arrived on scene and could find one male out on his deck playing music, however it was not loud.  He was advised and complied.

0020 hrs 6000 Block of Harland St/ Residential check, 6000 block of Harland St, citizen complaints of CDS use by male hanging out in the area and do not live there, check clear.

0030 hrs Margaret Brent Special Education School/ Suspicious vehicle occupied, male was talking on the phone.  He was advised.

0100 hrs Residential check/ 8600 block Preston St, check due to the male half being involved in a prior violent domestic and having a Protective order against him.  Check clear.

0118 hrs 7400 Block of Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop was cleared without incident.

0145 hrs 7400 Block of Annapolis Rd/ Assist Prince George's County Police with a suspicious person with a weapon.  Officers located the suspect and the weapon he had (BB gun) Incident was handled by Prince George's County Police.

0240 hrs Walmart/ Assist Prince George's County Police with a suspicious vehicle occupied.  They had no units in the area to assist when he called out for backup.  Officers assisted with the stop, which was handled by Prince George's County Police.

0304 hrs 7600 block Fontainebleau Dr./ Check on the Welfare, caller stated a male was passed out on the steps of the building.  Officers located the male who was intoxicated and refused medical treatment.  He lives on Riverdale Rd and sent on his way.

0328 hrs 6400 block 85th Ave/ Loud music complaint, Officers could hear the music a few houses down and located the noise.  Officers advised the homeowner to shut the music off and take the party inside, they complied.

0400 hrs Residential check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr. Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear.

0425 hrs Business Check/ Heritage Square Apartments, check clear.

0500 hrs Business Check/ 7-11, check clear.

0520 hrs Business Check/ Shell gas station, check clear.


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