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Friday, November 13, 2020

0653 hrs., 5400 block 85th Ave/ Disorderly person, caller stated that he was having a dispute with a private tow company. Officers then spoke to the caller who stated they worked the issue out and he did not need our assistance. No Report.

0726 hrs., 7500 block Riverdale Rd/ Check on the welfare, caller stated she was having mental issues and needed to go to the hospital. Caller wanted to admit herself to get help for personal issues she is having. Fire board arrived and transported the female to the hospital for evaluation. No Report.

0815 hrs., Premise check/ New Carrollton Public Library, check clear.

0845 hrs., School Check/ Margaret Brent School, check clear.

0920 hrs., 5900 block Mentana St/ Return Missing juvenile, the mother stated the juvenile came home last night around 1600 hrs. The juvenile was in good physical condition and stated she was at a friend's house since Earlier this week. Report written

1015 hrs., School Check/ Robert Frost Elementary School, Check clear.

1046 hrs., 8300 block Stanwood St/ Disorderly, caller stated there was a male knocking at her door looking for her son who he said owed him money. The male was gone prior to officer’s arrival, officers checked the area as well with negative results. The caller believes someone got a hold of her son's information and the male that came to the residence was scammed by using her son's information. The son changed his bank information and suffered no loss. No Report.

1145 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton, check clear.

1204 hrs., 7600 block Riverdale Rd/ Check on the welfare, caller (Social Worker) stated she was told a juvenile that has been missing for over a month was back at this location.  Officers went to the address and there was no answer at the door and no signs of the juvenile being home.  Caller was advised that if we did not see the juvenile then we were not able to remove her from NCIC as missing.  No Report.

1245 hrs., Premise check/ Heritage Square Apartment, check clear.

1300 hrs., Premise Check/ 5500 block of Karen Elaine Dr, check clear.

1345 hrs., Premise Check/ New Carrollton Pool, Check clear.

1405 hrs., Premise Check/ CVS Pharmacy, Check clear.

1442 hrs., Annapolis Rd at 85th Ave/ Vehicle Accident, caller stated here was a vehicle accident between two vehicles at this location. There was one male injured and transported to the hospital. One vehicle was impounded for being disabled. Report written

1520 hrs., Lowe’s/ Disorderly person, caller stated that a male walking in the store threatened him. Officers talked to both males and determined it was a misunderstanding one male was being difficult with the other because he thought he was upset with his family standing in the aisle. No Report.

1550 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton, Check clear.

1620 hrs., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.

1655 hrs., Premise Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

1800 HOURS-Accident-8300 block Quentin St.- Officers responded to this location for a report of a two-vehicle accident that caused damage to both vehicles. Officers assisted both parties with an exchange of information. NO REPORT

1847 HOURS-Check Welfare-8300 block Annapolis Rd.- Officers responded to this location for a report of a female who possibly has mental issues. Officers canvassed the area for the female with negative results. NO REPORT

1945 HOURS-MPS-7700 block Riverdale Rd.- Officers were flagged down at this location for a female requesting assistance to be placed in a shelter. The female expressed that she was newly homeless and wished to be placed in a shelter located in Capitol Heights. Officers were unable to reach the aforementioned shelter and the female expressed that she wished to be placed in a domestic violence shelter, however, officers could not assist her as she refused to provide any information as to her situation. The female refused all further assistance and left of her own accord. NO REPORT

2049 HOURS-Premise Check-6600 block Chestnut Ave.-Officers conducted a check of this location for any criminal activity. NO REPORT

2132 HOURS-Premise Check-7700 block Riverdale Rd.- Officers conducted a check of this location for any issues. NO REPORT

2216 HOURS-Premise Check-8400 block Annapolis Rd.-Officers conducted a check of this location for any issues. NO REPORT

2328 HOURS-Assist Citizen-8400 block Annapolis Rd.- While conducting a premise check at this location, a female approached the establishment in the nude, wearing nothing but a towel. Officers made contact with the female who stated while at an undisclosed location, a friend threw bleach on her so she took off her clothing and left. The female continued to refuse any police assistance, however, the female did request medical assistance due to the bleach being thrown on her. Prince George's County Ambulance arrived on scene and transported the female to a local hospital. NO REPORT

0000 HOURS-Assault-7500 block Riverdale Rd. - Officers responded to this location for a report of an assault. Officers spoke with the caller who advised the incident occurred on the 7400 block in a local restaurant outside of New Carrollton Jurisdiction. The female was advised on how to get further assistance, however, no assault could be verified. NO REPORT

0045 HOURS-Family Dispute-8200 block Quentin St.- Officers responded to this location for a report of a family dispute. Officers spoke with the caller who stated her step-father arrived home extremely intoxicated, threw cartons of milk at her, and threatened her with a knife. The step-father was not on scene and left with the knife. The caller was advised to seek further action through the district courts. REPORT WRITTEN

0129 HOURS-Premise Check-7500 Block Good Luck Rd.- Officers conducted a check of this location for any possible issues. NO REPORT

0225 HOURS-Assist PGPD-7700 block Finns Ln- Officers responded to this location for a report of a large party at this location. Officers were able to shut down the party and clear all of the patrons from the area. NO REPORT

0257 HOURS-Assist PGPD-7700 block Finns Ln.- While on the previous call, a juvenile approached a PGPD officer and admitted to vandalizing multiple establishments in the area. The juvenile, after being released to the foster parent, shattered a pane of glass at the establishment and fled on foot. After a small pursuit, the juvenile was apprehended by PGPD officers and transported to a local hospital for a mental evaluation. NO REPORT

0349 HOURS-Premise Check- 5200-5400 block 85th Ave.- Officers conducted a check of this area for any criminal activity. NO REPORT  

0433 HOURS-Premise Check-7400 block Riverdale Rd.-Officers conducted a check of this location for any issues. NO REPORT

0526 HOURS-Premise Check-8400 block Annapolis Rd.- Officers conducted checks of multiple businesses in the area. NO REPORT


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