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Thursday, September 14, 2017

0625 hrs., 8400 block Annapolis Rd/ Accident, once officers arrived it was discovered it was a road rage incident that took place.  Caller stated the driver of the second vehicle was upset due to him stopping at a stop sign.  Driver waived him around and became upset and threw items out the window.  Caller then stopped the vehicle and began to argue.  Driver of the second vehicle was claiming injury from the caller striking him and the caller was claiming damage to his vehicle from the object.  Officer could find no signs of either so both parties were advised what action they needed to take. REPORT WRITTEN

0645 hrs., 6100 block 85th Place/ Alarm call, Officers arrived on scene and spoke with the male who was renting a room from the owner.  He stated he forgot the password, but contacted the owner and finally shut it off and reset it.  Officers verified he was living at the residence.

0720 hrs., Special Assignment 7600 Block of Fountainebleau Dr./ Premise check of the area while the school kids are walking to school, check clear.

0800 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr./ Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear.

0840 hrs., School Check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, check clear.

0900 hrs., Business Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

0920 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear.

1008 hrs., Business Check/ Shoppers (Foot Patrol), check clear.

1037 hrs., 6000 block 85th Ave/ Property Damage, caller contacted the police yesterday and advised officers she did not want her insurance to go up so asked they do not take a report.  Today she decided she wants a report written, the damage occurred on Monday and there was no evidence for Officers to determine what occurred. REPORT WRITTEN

1110 hrs., Karen Elaine Dr. and Fountainbleau Dr. / Caller stated his registration plate was stolen off of his vehicle sometime last night.  REPORT WRITTEN

1145 hrs., Business Check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.

1220 hrs., Station call, caller wanted a report for items that were missing from her vehicle.  Officers arrived at the station and when we looked in the lobby the caller was gone.  We have no information to follow up with.

1250 hrs., Business Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

1320 hrs., Business Check/ 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd (Foot Patrol), check clear.

1400-1420 hrs., Powhatan St and Westbrook Dr./ Crossing Guard detail, officers conducted the cross walk detail with no issues.

1420 hrs., 7-11/ Assist Prince George's County with a male getting agitated and not listening to their instructions.  Officers arrived on scene and discovered a male with injuries to his head, which could be the reason the male was disoriented and not willing to cooperate with EMS.  Officers also smelled CDS in the vehicle which would attribute to his condition.  He was unable to provide officers with a name or a number of someone to get his vehicle; therefore it was impounded for safekeeping. REPORT WRITTEN

1510 hrs., Business check/ Beckett Field, check clear.

1530 hrs., Business Check/ City of New Carrollton Pool, check clear.

1600 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear.

1620 hrs., Business Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

1644 hrs., Foodway/ Check on the welfare with Fire Board.  A male was lying next to a truck parked in the lot who was possibly on CDS.  Officers arrived on scene to discover Fire Board had already transported the male to the hospital.

1650 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Burglary, caller stated while she was not home an unknown person entered her residence by manipulating the door until it opened.  Once the person entered they took a TV, XBOX games, and currency.  The person left the same way they made entry with the items.  Notification was made to Detective Sgt. Robinson. REPORT WRITTEN

2010 Fight/ 85th Ave @ Ellin Rd male assaulting a female headed toward the metro. Officer's responded and canvassed the area with negative results. There was no description or contact person

2020 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - area was clear, residents arriving home from work

2050 Premise Check/ Plaza 30 the parking lot was light on parked cars. There were no issues observed within the businesses. The rear was checked and no one was there

2120 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd - business was closing for the evening. The lot was clear, no suspicious activity observed

2140 Premise Check/ 6600 block Rycroft St there was no one in the park

2153 Premise Check/ 5700 block Legation Ct area was clear, no vehicles parked at the dead end

2228 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd (7-Eleven) to include the shopping center. There were no issues observed or reported. Officers canvassed the rear of the shopping center

2230 Premise Check/ 7600 block Fontainebleau Dr. / residents were walking into the building. Both front and rear entrances were clear

2342 Premise Check/ 7300 block Long Branch Dr. / officer canvassed the area, no suspicious vehicles or activity observed

2352 Premise Check/ 6100 block 85th Ave. / no issues reported or suspicious activity observed

2353 Vehicle Impound/ 5400 block 85th Ave vehicle was operating on suspended tags with a pick-up order. Driver was cited, tags removed and vehicle impounded by Charlie's Towing. REPORT WRITTEN

0022 Suspicious Person/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / a male was observed to the rear of the store. The subject is homeless and was arrested last week by officers for an open warrant. The subject currently has an open warrant in North Carolina that's non-extraditable. REPORT WRITTEN

0150 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd - business was normal, met with manager. Nothing to report

0329 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - to include the shopping center. There were no issues observed or reported. Officers canvassed the rear of the shopping center

0405 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - all complexes were clear, no suspicious activity observed

0440 Premise Check/ 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / fire department ran a call for a male with two flames. It was a resident with Tiki torches. Fire handled the incident.


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