0645 hrs., Business
Check/ 7-11, check clear.
0715 hrs., Business
Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0800 hrs., Park Check/
Wildercroft Park, check clear.
0809 hrs., 7500 Block of Annapolis Rd/ Traffic
stop, stop cleared without incident.
0829 hrs., Veterans Hwy and Annapolis Rd/
Accident, minor vehicle accident but female driver of one unit requested fire
board. Due to possible injury officers wrote an accident report.
Both vehicles were able to be driven from the scene. ACCIDENT REPORT WRITTEN
0850 hrs., Veterans Hwy and Annapolis Rd/
Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
0915 hrs., Residential
check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr. -Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons
loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear.
0930 hrs., Business
Check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.
0959 hrs., Riverdale Rd at Mahoney Dr. /
Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
1020-1130 hrs., 85th Ave and Westbrook Dr. /
Traffic detail officers conducted a stationary traffic detail and made 7 stops
on vehicles for various violations.
1200 hrs., 8400 block Annapolis Rd/ Suspicious
persons, two juvenile females approached officers and stated they were
stranded. Upon further investigation of the juveniles it was discovered
they were missing out of Virginia. The guardians were contacted and
arrived to pick up the females. REPORT WRITTEN
1212 hrs., 85th Ave and Carrollton Pkwy/
Accident, minor damage to the vehicles and no injuries. Officers
exchanged information between the parties without incident.
1313 hrs., TD Bank/ Suspicious person possibly
attempting to withdrawal funds fraudulently. Male was found to be in
possession of a falsified Passport as well as an out of county
identification. Male attempted to withdrawal $4,500.00 from an account
that was opened and had a bad check deposited into several days ago. Male
was placed under arrest and notification was made to NCPD 3 and NCPD 4 (who
responded to the jail to question the male.) REPORT WRITTEN
1450 hrs., Business
check/ Beckett Field, check clear.
1520 hrs., Business
check/ Metro Points Hotel, check clear.
1548 hrs., TD Bank/ Robbery of the business,
male walked in and demanded money from the clerk. The clerk complied and
handed the male $580.00 in cash. Officers arrived on scene and closed
down the business and the surrounding parking lot. Prince George's County
Helicopter, Robbery Detectives, Evidence, and other units arrived on
scene. Units canvassed the area along with the helicopter. NCPD 3
and NCPD 4 were both notified of the incident. Officers wrote
the initial report and Prince George's County Detectives took over
the incident. REPORT WRITTEN
1825 Stolen Dog/ 8200 block Carrollton Pkwy -dog
was not stolen. Owner allowed the dog to roam the front yard without a
1916 CDS Complaint/ 5200 block 85h Ave- female
in the lobby smoking. Upon arrival the female had left the building
1950 Suspicious
Person/ 5300 block 85th Ave- male was walking down the street with a beer.
He was stopped, identified, checked negative for warrants and sent on his way REPORT
2019 Aggressive Driver/ 7700 block Riverdale
Rd- incident happened at Riverdale Rd at Finns Ln.
2144 Disorderly/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd -someone
shining lights in the window. It was a vehicle in a parking space with lights
2238 Premise Check/ Harland @ Rycroft St- area
was clear, no suspicious activity observed
2250 Premise Check/ 8000 block Annapolis Rd-
rear of the church and foot path was clear
2338 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd-
store closing for the evening, no issues reported
0030 Assist/ Kempton & Martin Terr. male
suspect from 5900 block Westbrook Terr. fled from PGPD in the 6700 block
Riverdale Rd after assaulting his girlfriend. Subject was arrested without
incident by PGPD
0102 Suspicious Occ
Vehicle/ 5800 block Mentana St- male was asleep in his vehicle. He checked
negative for warrants and was sent on his way. REPORT WRITTEN
0346 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd-
business as usual, no issues reported
0512 Suspicious Vehicle/ 5800 block Lamont
Terr. - young couple talking about their relationship. They were sent on their
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