0700 hrs., Business
Check/ 7-11, check clear.
0720 hrs., Business
Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0805 hrs., Annapolis Rd at 85th Ave/ Traffic
stop, stop cleared without incident.
0821 hrs., 7700 block Riverdale Rd/ Property
Damage, caller stated he woke up this morning and notice his vehicles front
bumper was damaged sometime during the night. Officers could not
determine how the damage came to be, but an incident report was written per
information given from the caller.
0900 hrs., Business
Check/ Shoppers (Foot Patrol) check clear.
0930 hrs., Business
Check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.
hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, Citizens complaint
of Suspicious Persons loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles,
check clear.
1030 hrs., Business
Check/ SunTrust Bank, check clear.
1045 hrs., Business
Check/ City of New Carrollton Pool, check clear.
1100 hrs., Residential
check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr., Citizens complaint of Suspicious Persons
loitering in front of buildings and around the vehicles, check clear.
1130 hrs., Business
Check/ TD Bank, check clear.
1223 hrs., 5200 block 85th Ave/ Stolen tags,
caller stated he went to the MVA and they would not replace his tags without a
police report. After speaking with the caller and conducting a check
Officers discovered the tags were suspended for failure to pass emissions.
The caller stated he had his vehicle towed to a mechanic on July 31 and does
not know if it was removed at the above location or the mechanics
residence. He was advised what actions he needed to clear up the
suspension and obtain new tags.
1301 hrs., 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / 911
hang-up call. Officers arrived on scene and discovered there was no problem;
however children were playing on the phone and accidentally called 911.
They were advised.
1340 hrs., Starbucks/ Disorderly male, male
locked himself in the bathroom. Officers were cancelled prior to arrival
due to the male exiting the bathroom on his own and in good condition.
1350 hrs., New Carrollton Dry Cleaners/ Caller
stated a male was arguing over the price of getting pants hemmed.
Officers spoke with both parties and the male stated he did not believe he
should be charged that much but was willing to pay. All parties were
satisfied without incident.
1420 hrs., 7-11/ Disorderly persons, caller
stated there was a male and female arguing in the parking lot. When
Officers arrived they canvassed the area with nothing found. Officers
also spoke to several persons at the business and no one stated they called.
1450 hrs., Business
Check/ TD Bank, check clear.
1510 hrs., Business
Check/ Beckett Field, check clear.
1600 hrs., Business
Check/ Suntrust Bank, check clear.
1625 hrs., School
Check/ Carrollton Elementary School, check clear.
1645 hrs., Business
Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
Domestic/ 6000 block Westbrook Dr., girlfriend didn't want to let her
intoxicated boyfriend in the house
1942 Disorderly/ 5300 block 85th Ave /
teenagers running around the building. Area checked with negative results
2030 Premise Check/
6100 block 85th Ave no suspicious activity observed
2100 Domestic/ 6000 block Westbrook Dr., no
domestic, boyfriend wanted to get in the house
2120 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd /
store preparing to close for the evening. No issues reported by staff
2145 Premise Check/
Rycroft Park the area was clear
2208 Premise Check/
6100 block 85th Ave no suspicious activity observed
2246 Domestic/ 5500
block Karen Elaine Dr., husband & wife had a verbal altercation. Wife
alleged she was assaulted with a watch. There were no signs of injury. REPORT
2355 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd /
business closed for the evening. The lot was clear
0001 Assist/ 7500 block Annapolis Rd PGPD
needed assistance with a subject acting strange in front of the 7-Eleven.
Subject is known to use PCP
0110 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / business
as usual
0130 Premise Check/ 6100 block 85th Ave no
suspicious activity observed
0150 Voluntary EPS/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd /
male stated to friends via text he wanted to injure himself. After speaking
with him, he agreed to speak with a professional in reference to his family
issues. The male was transported by Ambulance to PGH
0325 Premise Check/ 6100 block 85th Ave no
suspicious activity observed
0420 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts / area was
clear, no suspicious activity observed
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