0635 hrs.,
Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.
0705 hrs., Premise Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0745 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops of New Carrollton, check clear.
0810 hrs.,
5300 block 85th Ave/ Disorderly person, caller advised her daughter has not
taken her medication and she wants us to take her to the hospital. She
was advised we cannot take her for medical reasons she needed to contact
fireboard or her primary physician. No Report.
0852 hrs.,
5200 block 85th Ave/ Unknown Trouble, One male stated to officers that he was
leaving but he wanted to get his TV and couch. When he was told not at
this time he stormed out of the building crying and yelling. Both parties
were advised. No Report.
0915 hrs., Premise Check/ Beckett Field and Hanko Building,
check clear.
0940 hrs., School Check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, check
1001 hrs.,
5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / Stolen Vehicle, caller advised his vehicle had
been stolen overnight. Officers were in the area and discovered the
vehicle parked in a different location than what the caller stated. The
caller was advised his car was located by Officers. No Report.
1025 hrs., Premise Check/ CVS Pharmacy, check clear.
1106 hrs.,
5400 block 85th Ave/ Domestic Dispute, caller advised she and her boyfriend
were involved in a verbal argument. Officers advised her again,
Commissioners officer and a Protective Order. Report written
1200 hrs., School Check/ Carrollton Elementary School,
check clear.
1250 hrs.,
Lamont Dr and Fairbanks St/ Vehicle Accident, two vehicles were involved in a
minor accident. Both parties claimed no injury and information was
exchanged by officers between parties. No Report.
1320 hrs., School Check/ Lamont Elementary School, check
1345 hrs.,
8500 block Madison St/ Landlord Tenant Dispute, caller stated her tenant
pushed her out of a chair. Once on scene it was found that she
embellished the story. Both parties were advised. No Report.
1420 hrs., Premise Check/ 5500 block of Karen Elaine Dr, check clear.
1445 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton, check clear.
1507 hrs.,
Station Call/ Lost property, caller stated he lost his credit card. Once
Officers spoke to him it was discovered it was lost outside of our jurisdiction
and he was advised who to call. No Report.
1543 hrs.,
7600 block Riverdale Rd/ Check on the Welfare, caller stated they could hear a
small child crying for their mother. Officers knocked and spoke to the
homeowner and checked the welfare of the small child both were fine.
Officers attempted to contact the caller back but they stated they did not want
to be involved and would not give Officers any more information. No
1620 hrs., School Check/ Robert Frost Elementary School, check
1649 hrs.,
6100 block Lamont Dr. / Loud Music, caller stated the people next door were
playing the music in their car too loud. They were advised. No
1715 hrs.,
85th Ave and Carrollton Pkwy/ Caller stated there were several people walking
on the street. Officers checked the area and there were no signs of
anyone in the area. Officers canvassed the area with nothing found.
No Report.
1726 hrs., 5400
block of 85th Ave/ Fight, caller stated there were several males with dogs
fighting. Officers canvassed the area with no signs of anyone fighting in
the area. No Report.
MPS/ 85th Ave @ Annapolis Rd - the caller had purchased a vehicle from a
resident. The vehicle became inoperable and the seller refused to assist.
The seller was located, returned to the scene and took possession of the
vehicle and refunded the money to the caller. Report written
1930 Premise Check/ 7700 block
Riverdale Rd - the parking lot was clear.
2000 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - the area
was clear.
2100 Premise Check/ 8400 block
Annapolis Rd - the parking lot was clear.
2200 Premise Check/ 6400 block
Fairbanks St and surrounding streets - the area was clear.
2230 Premise Check/ 8300 block Quentin
St - the area was clear
0010 Premise Check/ 8200 block
Annapolis Rd - the area was clear
0200 Premise Check/ 8400 block
Annapolis Rd - it was business as usual.
0300 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis
Rd it was business as usual
0400 Premise Check/ 7700 block
Riverdale Rd and surrounding complexes - the area was clear.
0500 Premise Check/ 6100 block
Lamont Dr. - the area was clear
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