0647 hrs. Premise
Check 8400 block Annapolis Rd. Check Clear.
0722 hrs. Premise
Check 7700 block Riverdale Rd. Check Clear.
0747 hrs. Traffic
Complaint 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. Officer's
responded to the listed location for a tree in the roadway. Once on
scene officer found that the tree had fallen onto a vehicle causing damage to
the hood. Officer's contacted Public Works who arrived on the scene and removed
the tree from the roadway and off of the vehicle. Report written
0856 hrs. Domestic
Dispute 8300 block Quentin St. Officers responded to the listed
location for a domestic dispute. Officers made contact with the caller who
stated she called the police because her husband turned off the music she
was playing. The husband stated that he and his wife are having marital issues,
and he did turn off the loud music while he and the children were still
sleeping. Both parties were advised and the male half elected to leave. Report
0906 hrs. DWI Driver
7700 block Riverdale Rd. Officers responded to the listed
location for a possible intoxicated driver. Officers canvassed the area with
negative results.
0919 hrs. Check
Welfare 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. Officers responded to
a medical emergency involving a child. Once on scene officers were advised that
the child had been having issues breathing and had a fever. Fire & EMS
arrived moments after and took over providing medical attention. The child was
transported to a local hospital for treatment.
1022 hrs. Premise
Check 5400 block 85th Ave. Check Clear
1143 hrs. Premise
Check 7700 block Riverdale Rd. Check Clear.
1231 hrs. Premise
Check 8400 block Annapolis Rd. Check Clear.
1305 hrs. Missing
Person 8500 block Annapolis Rd. Officers responded to
the listed location for a missing juvenile. Once one scene the juvenile
was found standing in front of the listed location. The juvenile stated she
went for a walk, she returned in good health.
1427 hrs. Premise
Check 8400 block Annapolis Rd. Check Clear.
1537 hrs. Theft 7700
block Riverdale Rd. Officers responded to the listed location for
a theft in progress. Once on scene officers made contact with the store manager
who stated he recovered the merchandise and the suspect fled on foot in an
unknown direction.
1622 hrs. Premise
Check 8300 block Annapolis Rd. Check Clear.
1715 hrs. Premise
Check 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. Check Clear.
1852 Hours- Music Comp- Sprague Pl @ 85Th
Ave- Officers checked the area for loud music. The music at the residence was
within reason.
1910 Hours- Commercial Alarm- 8300 block
Annapolis Rd- Accidental alarm by a store employee.
2028 Hours- Premise
Check-8400 block Annapolis Rd - Officers checked the area for suspicious
activity, nothing found.
2028 Hours- Assault/
theft- 8400 block Annapolis Rd- Officers responded out for a shoplifter. Once
on scene officers made contact with the shoplifter who resisted arrest. the
suspect was taken into custody. It was discovered that while the shoplifter was
attempting to escape the T/A he assaulted two store employees. The shoplifter
was transported to Upper Marlboro Doc. Report written
2215 Hours- Breaking
& Entering- 5300 block Hours- Officers responded out for a home invasion. Upon
arrival, officers made contact with the victim who reported an
acquaintance from Instagram got mad at a post and came out to the location
to confront the homeowner who posted the comment. The victim reported the
suspect produced a firearm while inside the residence and began looking for the
homeowner. The homeowner reported she was hiding on the balcony. When the
suspect could not locate the homeowner he confronted the other occupants in the
residence. The suspect assaulted one of the occupants and took his wallet and
fled the scene. Officers on scene attempted to provide services to all the
victims on scene. All of the victims refused to cooperate and left the scene.
NCPD and PG county Det. responded out. NCPD3 was notified of this incident. Report
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