0710 Premise Check/ Madison @ 85th Ave - the
area was clear.
0820 Premise Check/ Good Luck Rd @ Cathedral
Ave - the area was clear.
0840 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - children
waiting on school buses.
0918 Premise Check/ 8100 block Gavin St - the
area was clear. No vehicle or foot traffic.
1110 Check Residence/ 8100 block Gavin St -
the homeowner stated several people were in the residence without his
permission. Officers checked the residence which was clear. The homeowner
gathered his belongings. No report
1115 Stolen Auto/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - caller
advised his vehicle was parked in the parking lot overnight. The caller was
advised to contact the contracted to the company. No report
1212 Accident/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - two
vehicles crashed in the parking lot. Parties exchanged information. No report
1250 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - it
was business as usual.
1320 Suspicious Vehicle/ 6100 block 84th Ave -
caller complained about a vehicle parked in a no-parking zone. The vehicle was
not on the scene upon arrival. No report
1335 Disorderly/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - male
with bags refusing to check his bags. The male was leaving prior to the
officer’s arrival. No report
1415 Premise Check/ Heritage Square Apts. -
buses were dropping off children.
1430 Customer Dispute/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd
- caller purchased a pre-paid card and it was not loaded. The caller
attempted to wait on the manager. Officers assisted the caller and she was
satisfied. No report
1515 Traffic Assignment/ 6100 block Lamont Dr.
- assisted the buses at Westbrook Drive.
1550 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd -
checked on businesses in the complex.
1615 Disorderly/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - male
outside attempting to help customers with their groceries. The male was sent on
his way. No report
1630 Theft from Auto/ 7200 block Good Luck Rd -
an unknown suspect stole the victim's generator off the rear of their truck
between 2/2 and today. Report written
1725 Station Call-Customer Dispute/ 8400 block
Annapolis Rd - a customer purchased a sofa a year ago and shipped it out of the
country. The customer wanted the store to replace the furniture. The customer
and store worked out an agreement. No report
1739 Family Dispute/ 7600 block Riverdale Rd -
the sister complained of her brother hitting her. Officers spoke with the
brother who confirmed the sister's story. The brother was advised his actions
are punishable by jail. Report written
1802 Customer Dispute/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd
- return call from earlier. She wanted a cash refund and the store refused. She
was given an option to purchase what's needed. The customer and store worked
out an agreement. No report
1820 hrs., Annapolis Rd at Veterans Hwy/
Vehicle Accident, two vehicles were involved in a minor accident. No
injuries were claimed by either party on scene and information was exchanged by
Officers to both parties. No Report.
hrs., Annapolis Rd at Veterans Hwy/ Assist Motorist, driver of the vehicle ran
out of gas. Officers stayed behind him while he put gas in the vehicle
for safety. No Report
1900 hrs., Premise Check/ Beckett Field, check clear.
1950 hrs., Premise Check/ Robert Frost Elementary School, check
2020 hrs.,
5300 block 85th Ave/ Possible Overdose, The male stated
he wanted to go to the hospital but fireboard would not transport, they advised
the mother was going to take him. When speaking to the mother she stated
she exaggerated about his condition that he would be fine and just wanted to
take him in the house. No Report
2050 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton (Foot Patrol),
check clear.
2115 hrs., Premise Check/ Metro Points Hotel, check clear.
2145 hrs.,
7-11/ Theft, caller advised a male entered the store and took some food
items. The male also walked behind the counter and took several boxes of
cigarettes. Officers located them and subsequently issued him a citation
for the theft. The male stated he ate the food and drank the drinks prior
to officers locating him. Report written
2240 hrs., Premise Check/ New Carrollton Public Library, check
2253 hrs.,
6100 Block of 84th Ave/ Unknown trouble, caller did not hang up the phone but
call taker could hear fighting and arguing on the line. Officers were unable
to locate the female heard on the phone. Communications traced the owner
of the phone to a location in Adam sector and units responded there to check as
well. No Report.
2314 hrs.,
7600 Block Riverdale Rd/ Missing Person, caller advised her daughter left for
school yesterday and did not return. Mother states she does this often
but wanted to report it again. Prince George's Detectives were notified
and the daughter was placed into NCIC as missing. Report written
0010 hrs., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.
0046 hrs.,
7700 Block Riverdale Rd/ Landlord Tenant dispute,
0115 hrs., School Check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, check
0150 hrs., School Check/ Lamont Elementary School, check clear.
0230 hrs., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.
0250 hrs., Premise Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0300 hrs.,
5300 Block 85th Ave/ Suspicious vehicle occupied, Officers checked the
individuals and determined they lived at this location and were talking before
going inside. No Report
0320 hrs., Premise Check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, check clear.
0340 hrs., Premise Check/ Construction site on 85th Ave,
Officers noticed the fencing open and walked the building to check for any
individuals inside. Officers did not locate anyone and re-secured the
0410 hrs., Premise Check/ Shell Gas station, check clear.
0430 hrs., Premise Check/ Metro Points Hotel, check clear.
0510 hrs., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.
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