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Saturday,February 8, 2020

0655 Traffic Detail/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd - Officers observed a vehicle commit a traffic violation. A traffic stop was conducted, and the officer issued a traffic citation.

0725 Domestic/ 6900 block Good Luck Rd/ Caller advised her son and his girlfriend are arguing and wanted officer’s assistance. Officers responded to the scene and was advised by the homeowner the caller does not live there and that there were no arguments going on. No report

0830 Threat Complaint/ 6900 block Good Luck Rd/ Caller advised her daughter boyfriend sent her a text and she has a peace order against him. Officers responded to the scene and caller asked officers what can she do since he violated the peace order. She was advised what she can do. No Report

0945 Vehicle Release/ 6016 Princess Garden Pkwy/ The caller advised, officers impounded her vehicle. she wanted assistance with a vehicle release. Officers responded to the location and provided the caller with the vehicle release paperwork. No report

1015 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - the area was clear  

1125 Premise Check/ 6400 block 85th Ave - the area was clear

1229 Theft from Auto/ 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / Caller advised their rim and tire were stolen from their vehicle. Report Written

1333 Missing Person/ 8100 block Gavin St/ Officers responded to this location for a report of a missing person. Officers spoke with the caller and found that the male was missing for approximately four days. The male did not suffer from any mental or medical disabilities. The male was listed as non-critical for these reasons. PGPD person’s division was advised. Report Written

1415 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd the area was clear  

1520 Premise Check/ 6100 block Westbrook Dr. - the area was clear  

1630 Premise Check/ 7400 block Riverdale Rd - the area was clear

1710 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd - the area was clear 

1820 hrs., Riverdale Rd and Fountainebleau Dr. / Vehicle Accident, minor vehicle accident involving two vehicles.  Both parties stated they had no injuries so information was exchanged on scene by Officers to both parties.  No Report.

1850 hrs., 6900 block Good Luck Rd/ Check on the welfare, Officers aware of the situation the past couple days stopped in to check on the family at the residence.  A few members were home but advised they were doing better today.  Check clear.

1910 hrs., School Check/ Lamont Elementary School, check clear.

1940 hrs., 7600 block Fountaineblue Dr./ Loud music complaint, caller stated someone was playing the drums so loud it was shaking their windows.  The building was checked with negative results.  No Report.

2005 hrs., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.

2020 hrs., Premise Check/ 5300-5400 block of 85th Ave, check clear.  

2040 hrs., Premise Check/ Beckett Field, check clear.

2115 hrs., 6200 block of Westbrook Dr. / Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

2144 hrs., 7800 block Riverdale Rd/ Child locked in the vehicle, caller stated her child was locked in the car.  Officers arrived and fireboard was using tools to get the child out.  They successfully got the child out unharmed in any way.  The mother dropped the keys in the backseat and did not realize and locked the door.  The child was secure in the car seat in the vehicle.  No Report, handled by fireboard.

2204 hrs., 83rd ST and Legation Rd/ Loud music, caller advised there was a loud party going on in the area.  Officers located the party and asked the homeowners to turn the volume down and they did with no issues.  The children in the bouncy house were moved inside to eliminate any other loud noise.  No Report.

2235 hrs., School Check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, check clear.

2300 hrs., School Check/ Carrollton Elementary School, check clear.

2341 hrs., 6500 block of Jodie St/ Loud music, caller advised there was loud music coming from this location.  There were several hundred people at the party and Officers shut it down immediately.  With the assistance of Prince George's County Police all persons were removed from the house and traffic was cleared out of the location.  No Report.

0027 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Malicious destruction of property, caller advised her ex-girlfriend was keying her vehicle and flattened her tires.  Officers arrived and observed damage to both vehicles, one party stated she struck the other car to stop her from keying the vehicle.  The other half stated she struck the vehicle and keyed it because she wanted to stop her from leaving and was upset.  Due to both parties causing damage to each vehicle they were advised to see the commissioner and contact insurance companies.  Report written

0030 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Domestic Dispute, caller advised he and his girlfriend got into an argument.  There was no apartment given so when Officers were done with the call above we asked dispatch to contact the male back for an apartment.  Communications advised there was no information on the caller or an apartment number.  Officers cleared unable to find the male who called.  No Report.

0130 hrs., Premise check/ 6500 block of Jodie St, check clear.

0150 hrs., Premise Check/ 6900 block of Good Luck Rd, check clear.

0215 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton, check clear.

0245 hrs.., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.

0320 hrs., 5900 block Westbrook Dr. / Family Dispute, the mother called stating the son (adult) has not taken him medication and he is making all kinds of noise and keeping everyone in the house up.  She was advised to contact his doctor due to his medicine being administered by injection not a pill the doctor is the only one who can assist.  She stated she will call on Monday to get his medication, until then he agreed to stay in his room for the rest of the night.  No Report.

0350 hrs., Premise Check/ Heritage Square Apartments, check clear.

0405 hrs., 5400 block 85th AveLoud music, caller advised there was a vehicle playing loud music in the parking lot.  Officers checked the lot with nothing found.  No Report.

0430 hrs., Premise Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

0518 hrs., 8500 block Annapolis Rd/ Suicidal subject, female called and stated she was having suicidal thoughts and is afraid she wanted to jump off of a bridge.  Officers spoke to her and she stated she wants to go to the hospital and be checked out.  The female went willingly and with no incident.  No Report.


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