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Friday. December 13, 2019

0645 hrs., Disorderly Person/ 5200 block 85th Ave, caller stated a female was standing between two vehicles and urinating.  Officers arrived canvassed the area with negative results.  No caller information was available for us to speak to them.  No report.

0710 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops of New Carrollton, check clear.

0745 hrs., Premise Check/ Beckett Field, check clear.

0759 hrs., Traffic stop/ Donoghue Dr. and Lamont Dr. - Officers conducting a traffic detail pulled a vehicle over.  Once the vehicle was pulled over the driver fled the vehicle.  The driver was stopped and detained for the crimes.  Due to the driver being a minor he and the vehicle were released to a parent on scene.  Report written (Report handled by the Officer on the detail).

0919 hrs., Runaway juvenile/ 6500 block Jodie St, the juvenile was picked up by parents at the school at approximately 0900 hrs. and they did not make it out of the parking lot before he jumped out of the car and began walking away.  Parents observed him leaving and contacted us from the residence.  The mother stated she wanted to go back to the school to file the report there because they just left and his friends are there.  No report.

0940 hrs., Suspicious person/ 6200 block 87th Ave, caller advised his daughter was home and noticed a male walking around the house on the Ring app.  Once Officers arrived they spoke to the male who was with Terminex exterminator, who stated he has a contract for the house and was there to spray.  Officers confirmed with the home owner they were to be there.  No Report.

1020 hrs., Premise Check/ New Carrollton City Pool, check clear.

1050 hrs., Premise Check/ 5300-5400 block of 85th Ave, check clear.

1120 hrs., Suspicious Activity/ 5900 block 85th Ave, caller advised several days ago there were two males out in the neighborhood soliciting for Pepco.  When the caller contacted Pepco they advised they did not have anyone working in the area.  She wanted to call us and make us aware of the situation, she also had no further description on the males.  No Report.

1223 hrs., Disorderly customer/ T-Mobile, caller advised the customer who left the business and was sitting in his vehicle was very argumentative and cussing at the clerks.  At this time he walked out, he was advised they did not want him back in store while he was so upset and cussing.  No report.

1325 hrs., Alarm/ 5300 block 85th Ave, alarm company stated the alarm was coming from the front door.  Officers arrived and checked the location, all doors and windows were checked and secured.  There were no signs of entry and no one answered when the door was checked.  No Report.

1326 hrs., Family Dispute/ 7600 block Fountainebleau Dr. The mother called about her son being angry and knocking pictures off the wall.  

1400 hrs., Alarm/ 6600 block Chestnut Dr. - alarm company stated the alarm was coming from the front door.  Officers arrived and checked the location, all doors and windows were checked and secured.  There were no signs of entry and no one answered when the door was checked.  No Report.

1430 hrs., Premise Check/ Heritage Square Apartments, check clear.

1500 hrs., Premise Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

1525 hrs., Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.

1539 hrs., Family Dispute/ 7-11, male approached officers and asked about his wife throwing out his daughter from the residence.  When officers spoke further to the male it was discovered this incident occurred outside of the City of New Carrollton.  The male was advised on what action he needs to take.  No report.

1600 hrs., Premise Check/ Metro Points hotel, check clear.

1630 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops of New Carrollton, check clear.

1845 Lost Property/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd - the caller advised he left his wallet at Shell and someone picked it up earlier in the day. Report written

1949 Station Call- Disorderly/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd - hotel manager complained about people in the lobby. Officers responded and observed nothing happening. No report

2129 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - the area was clear. 

2147 Check Welfare/ 7600 block Riverdale Rd - Kaiser requested officer’s check in a 3y/o with an IV. Officers made contact with residence who advised they don’t know the person in question. No report

2206 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd - store closing for the evening and employees were leaving. 

2224 Domestic Arrest/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd - while conducting a premise check. The arrested and victim parked in a space and the arrested assaulted the victim in the presence of the officer. The arrested was removed from the vehicle and detained. The victim refused medical. The arrested was transported to Regional Processing Center DOC. Report written

2315 Premise Check/ 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. & surrounding streets - the area was clear. 

0030 Premise Check/ 5800 block 84th Ave - the area was clear. There were no extra vehicles parked in the area. 

0115 Premise Check/ Oliver St & Topton St - the area was clear. 

0140 Premise Check/ Powhatan St & Lamont Dr. - the area was clear. 

0220 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - the area was clear

0230 Suspicious Vehicle/ Powhatan St @ Vicar St - call for a Ford Explorer occupied by two individuals. Upon arrival, officers observed the occupants in the rear of the vehicle having relations. The occupants provided their identifications and checked negative for warrants. They were advised and sent on their way. Report written

0250 Premise Check/ Adrian St @ Gavin St the area was clear

0330 Premise Check/ 8300 block Annapolis Rd the commercial areas were clear

0420 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd - business as usual

0510 Premise Check/ 6100 block Westbrook Drive the area was clear


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