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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

0635 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.

0700 hrs., School bus detail/ 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd, Officers conducted a detail for violations while school buses are picking up children at the bus stops.

0800 hrs., 8600 Block of Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

0817 hrs., Annapolis Rd and Veterans Pkwy/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

0730-0830 hrs. Carrollton Pkwy and Longbranch Dr. / Traffic detail, citizen complaints about buses and vehicles speeding in this area in the morning.  The citizen is worried about the children.  (1 traffic stop made.)

0845 hrs., School check/ Lamont Elementary School (Foot Patrol), check clear.

0930 hrs., Business check/ New Carrollton Public library (Foot Patrol), check clear.

1000 hrs., School check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, check clear.

1030 hrs., 8400 block Carrollton Pkwy and 8200 block Quentin St/ Assist Prince George's County Detectives with possible location of missing persons.  Officers located one and the other no contact, they were advised.

1055 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block 0f 85th Ave, check clear.

1115 hrs., Ardwick Ardmore Blvd and Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

1135 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr. / check clear.

1150 hrs., 7500 Block of Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

1211 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Suspicious male, caller stated as she was packing up to leave and she saw the male around the building.  Caller stated she has a protective order on the male but reading the protective order it states he is permitted back at the residence today.  He left the area and made no contact with the female at this time.  The residence is his, she was leaving.  Officers searched the area but were unable to locate him.  Female stated she would not be back and there should be no problems.  She was advised.

1230 hrs., Business check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

1310 hrs., 8300 block Annapolis Rd/ Hit and Run, caller stated a driver struck her vehicle because she did not know he was backing up due to him having no brake, stop, or reverse lights working properly.  Caller stated the male was so rude and mean to her when he came out, that she did not want to exchange information or have to speak to him again.  She just wanted us to tell him to fix his lights in the back of his car.  She was advised.

1340 hrs., 8500 block Freemont St/ Fraud, caller advised she believed her credit card may have taken more money than what she wrote the check out for.  She was advised to contact her bank and get all of the paperwork and details before we can investigate anything.  

1415 hrs., Business check/ Metro Points hotel, check clear.

1445 hrs., Business check/ Beckett Field, check clear.

1500 hrs., Residential check/ Officers were in the area of 6100 Block of Lamont Dr. / for the dismissal of Charles Carroll Middle School, check clear.

1540 hrs., Business check/ New Carrollton Public Library, check clear.

1608 hrs., CVS/ Disorderly, caller stated a male got upset and knocked over the display on the way out the door.  They advised they believed he had a weapon (gun) because he had a bulge in his pants.  The male was gone prior to Officers arrival and there was no further information for Officers.

1628 hrs., 8200 block Annapolis Rd/ Suspicious person, female was hiding in the woods while Officers were canvassing for an possible armed suspect.  She finally complied to come out of the woods along with her dog.  When she came out Officers checked her and when she was cleared she was sent on her way. REPORT WRITTEN

1645 hrs., 7900 Block of Riverdale Rd/ Traffic stops, stops (x2) cleared without incident.

1708 hrs., Shoppers/ Assault, caller stated he was hit over the head.  Communications was unable to obtain any other information in order to better locate the victim.  Officers searched the store and surrounding areas with negative results.  Officers asked several persons if they saw or heard anything and no one did.

1730 hrs., Business check/ Shell Gas Station, check clear. 

1922 Unknown Trouble/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd / management stated there was a fight in the room. Management requested the guest be removed. Management and officers escorted the guest out of the building 

2050 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd area was clear

2104 Disorderly/ 5300 block 85th Ave / caller advised people not paying their phone bill. The caller was advised it’s a civil matter

2118 Domestic/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd / staff advised a male and female out front arguing. Officers arrived and didn’t find anyone outside arguing. Staff couldn’t provide a room number 

2207 Threat/ 5900 block 89th Pl / complainant received a text message in Spanish threatening the safety of his family. The threats couldn’t be authenticated and Det. Monge was on scene to speak with the complainant. REPORT WRITTEN

2340 Premise Check/ Heritage Square Apts. / area was clear

0040 Suspicious Activity/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd / citizen approached a PGPD officer in D-Sector and advise a male was tampering with the ATM. Officers canvassed the area and checked the ATM. The area was clear and ATM was intact. 

0158 Disorderly/ 5400 block 85th Ave / people on the balcony being loud. The residents were advised to lower their voices.

0215 Premise Check/ 5300 block 85th Ave / met with security who advised there's only one officer per shift covering the burned buildings. 

0310 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / area was clear

0430 Premise Check/ Westbrook Dr. @ Powhatan St / area was clear


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