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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

0635 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.

0705 hrs., School bus check/ 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd, check clear.

0720 hrs., Business check/ Metro Points Hotel (Foot Patrol), check clear.

0746 hrs., 6100 block Lamont Dr. / Traffic stop, stop clear without incident.

0803 hrs., 6100 block Lamont Dr. / Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

0806 hrs., Westbrook @ Lamont Dr. / Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

0823 hrs., Westbrook @ Lamont Dr. / Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

0827 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Vehicle accident, caller stated their vehicle was struck in the parking lot of St. Mary's School in Landover.  Caller was advised that was outside of our jurisdiction and spoke with Prince George's County Police about the incident.  They handled the call.

0841 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Suspicious Person, Officers stopped a male that 7-11 employees stated came into the business and stole items.   Once speaking to both parties it was unclear exactly what item was taken but the employee advised he did not want the male back in the business.  He was checked, advised, and sent on his way. REPORT WRITTEN

0900 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, check clear.

0935 hrs., 6200 Block of Lamont Dr. / Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.

1005 hrs., 6300 block Westbrook Dr. / Suspicious Persons, Officers stopped 3 juvenile males in school uniforms walking away from all the schools.  Once stopped, Officers found out they were all students from Parkdale High School and they stated they left the school and were going home.  Officers gathered all of the information and transported them all back to Parkdale High School.  Officers obtained all of the information for the males and released them to school SRO. REPORT WRITTEN

1137 hrs., 7600 Block of Riverdale Rd/ Traffic stop, Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle and discovered there were four juvenile males inside.  When asked, they stated they go to Parkdale High School but left for lunch.  Due to students not being allowed to leave the campus all students were followed and returned back to Parkdale High School and again released to the SRO.  REPORT WRITTEN

1153 hrs., 5300 block 85th Ave/ Vandalism, caller stated an unknown person scratched his vehicle within the last two days.  At this time the caller is not sure who may have caused the damage to his vehicle or exactly when it occurred.  REPORT WRITTEN

1224 hrs., 8400 block Annapolis Rd/ Fight call, Officers responded to the location for a fight between the caller and females.  Officers finally located the caller at 7700 block Riverdale Rd, who stated two girls were yelling at her for almost hitting them as she drove past them in the parking lot.  Caller advised they kicked her vehicle and ran off as she was in the drive thru and calling the Police.  Caller followed them until Riverdale Rd address, where they hid in the bushes from Officers.  The females were finally located and identified by the caller.  Information was exchanged between the adult parties (Civil Matter) but the other female that Officers discovered was a Juvenile.  She refused to give Officers any information on her parents to come and pick her up, therefore she was released to the custody of Children and Youth Services. REPORT WRITTEN

1310 hrs., 8300 block Annapolis Rd/ Smoke in a building, caller stated there was smoke in the building, unsure if it was a fire or not.  Fire department advised it was a mechanical problem in the roof and there was only smoke, no fire.  They took fans and cleared out the business.  Handled by fireboard at this time.

1421 hrs., Suntrust bank/ Disorderly, caller stated a male was in the bank and accidentally received funds but refused to give them back.  The funds were given as a bank error but the male did not want to give the money back and began to yell and become upset.  Male half was gone prior to Officers arrival but the bank had his information for Officers.  The bank stated they were going to charge the males account and obtain the funds back through internal actions within the bank.  Officers still wrote a report for documentation purposes. REPORT WRITTEN

1600 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, check clear.

1630 hrs., Business check/ CVS Pharmacy, check clear.

1720 hrs., 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd/ Disabled vehicle, Officers were able to get the vehicle off to the side of the road safely for them to wait for a tow.

1805 Check Welfare/ 5500 block Karen Elaine Dr. / co-worker wanted to know if the resident was ok. The resident just returned from the hospital. 

1806 Disorderly/ 5800 block Runford Dr. / male who has children living at the residence was on scene. The male was advised the resident does not want him on the property. REPORT WRITTEN

2025 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd area was clear

2110 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. / area was clear

2245 Premise Check/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd no issues, business as usual 

2340 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd staff was leaving for the night

0115 Suspicious Persons/ 5800 block 84th Ave / two males standing behind a vehicle. A male was stopped at the bus stop. REPORT WRITTEN

0237 Disorderly/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd several subject loitering. Officers observed a male in the area. He was advised and sent on the way

0350 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd lot clear, truck delivering vehicles


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