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Saturday, November 6, 2021


0627 HOURS-Premise Check-8500 block Annapolis Rd.-Officers conducted checks of multiple businesses in the area. NO REPORT


0717 HOURS-Premise Check-7700 block Topton St.-Officers conducted a check of this area for any criminal activity. NO REPORT 


0802 HOURS-Premise Check-8400 block Annapolis Rd.- Officers conducted a check of this location for any issues. NO REPORT


0850 HOURS-Premise Check-8500 block Legation Rd.- Officers checked this location for any issues. NO REPORT


0926 HOURS-Lockout-8400 block Annapolis Rd.- Officers were dispatched to this location for a citizen who locked themselves out of their vehicle. The caller was contacted via phone and advised that due to no emergency being present with the locked vehicle they would have to contact a locksmith. NO REPORT


1033 HOURS-Property Damage-5500 block - Karen Elaine Dr.- Officers responded to this location for a report of a vehicle being damaged by unknown means. The caller was met and all necessary information was gathered. The caller was advised to contact their insurance for further assistance. REPORT WRITTEN


1058 HOURS-Premise Check-8400 block Annapolis Rd.-Officers conducted checks of multiple businesses in the area. NO REPORT


1116 HOURS-Accident-8500 block Annapolis Rd.- Officers responded to this location for a report of a two-vehicle accident that caused minor damage. Officers assisted with an exchange of information. NO REPORT


1229 HOURS-Premise Check-8300 block Annapolis Rd.-Officers conducted checks of multiple businesses in the area. NO REPORT


1244 HOURS-Disorderly-8500 block Annapolis Rd.- Officers responded to this location for a report of a disorderly guest. Officers found that the guest left prior to officer’s arrival. NO REPORT


1317 HOURS-Premise Check-7400 block Riverdale Rd.-Officers conducted a check of this location for any issues. NO REPORT


1348 HOURS-Premise Check-8400 block Annapolis Rd.-Officers conducted checks of multiple businesses in the area. NO REPORT


1419 HOURS-Fight-6100 block 84th Ave.- Officers responded to this location for a report of two brothers fighting at this location. Upon officer's arrival, we were met with uncooperative persons who refused to provide any details and refused all services. NO REPORT


1447 HOURS-Premise Check-6200 block Westbrook Dr.-Officers conducted a check of this location for any issues. NO REPORT


1532 HOURS-Premise Check-6200 block 85th Pl.-Officers conducted a check of this area for any criminal activity. NO REPORT


1628 HOURS-Premise Check-5800 block Lamont Terr.-Officers conducted a check of this area for any criminal activity. NO REPORT


1716 HOURS-Premise Check-8400 block Annapolis Rd.-Officers conducted checks of multiple businesses in the area. NO REPORT


1805 hrs. Loud Music Complaint.  Westbrook & Lamont Dr. Officers responded to the listed location for loud music in the area. Officers canvassed the area with negative results. No Report


1820 hrs. Loud Party. 8300 block Sprague Pl. Officers responded to the listed location for a loud party. Officer made contact with the homeowner and instructed them to turn down the music, parking citations were also issued to vehicles in violation. No Report


1843 hrs. Loud Music Complaint. 6200 block 87th Ave. Officers responded to the listed location for loud music. Officers check the area with negative results. No Report


1857 hrs. Loud Party 8300 block Sprague Pl. Return for a loud party. Officers returned and advised that the music needed to be turned down. Also, officers advised that if another call is made the party will be shut down completely. No Report


2028 hrs. Loud Party 8500 block Carrollton Pkwy. Officers responded to the listed location for a loud party. Once on scene officers made contact with the homeowner and instructed them to turn the music down and turn off the very bright strobe lights. No Report


2032 hrs. Suspicious Person 7600 block Fontainbluea Dr. Officers responded to the listed location for a male subject sleeping in the hallway. Officers arrived and made contact with the subject. A warrant check was conducted yielding negative results. The male subject was advised and sent on his way without incident. Report Written


2034 hrs. Shoplifter 8400 block Annapolis Rd. Officers responded to the listed location for a shoplifter fighting with loss prevention. Once on scene officers were advised that the merchandise was recovered and the suspect fled on foot. Further police services were refused. No Report


2134 hrs. Loud Music 8300 block Verona Dr. Officers responded to loud music, Officer made contact with the homeowner and instructed him to turn down the music. No Report


2150 hrs. Family Dispute 6100 block 85th Ave. Officers responded to the listed location male subject under the influence of PCP at his grandfather's 90th Birthday Party.

The caller stated that the male subject destroyed the inside of the residence, several members of the family were able to push the male subject out of the residence. Once Officers arrived the male subject was located on the lawn breathing but unresponsive. Fire and Ems were contacted, the male subject was then placed in handcuffs and leg irons for his safety and others. The male subject was transported to a local hospital for treatment. Report Written


2211 hrs. Welfare Check Annapolis Rd. & 85th Ave. Officers responded to the listed location for a male subject walking in and out of the roadway. Officers arrived and made contact with the male subject who was located at 7-11. The male subject was in good health, he was advised and sent on his way. No Report


2252 hrs. Domestic Dispute 5300 block 85th Ave. Officers responded to the listed location for a domestic dispute. Once on scene officers made contact with the male half who had been pepper-sprayed and cut in the chest area. While officers were attending to the victim and his four-year-old daughter. The female suspect fled in her vehicle. The male subject was treated on scene by officers for the pepper spray in his eyes. The victim refused medical services from the EMS units on the scene. A warrant application was applied for through the District Court Commissioners Office. Report Written


2343 hrs Residential Alarm 7300 block Longbranch Dr. Officers responded to the listed location for a residential alarm. Once on scene officers made contact with the homeowner who stated he has been having issues with the alarm and he will contact them on Monday. No Report


0100 hrs. Loud Music 8300 block Larchwood St. Officer responded to the listed location and made contact with the homeowner and instructed him to turn off the music and shut down the gathering. No Report


0114 hrs. Premise Check 7700 block Riverdale Rd. Check Clear.


0202 hrs. Premise Check 8500 block Annapolis Rd. Check Clear.


0334 hrs. Premise Check 8500 block Legation Rd. Check Clear.


0445 hrs. Premise Check 8500 block Annapolis Rd. Check Clear.



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