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Friday, October 18, 2019

0650 hours - Premise check - 8400 block Annapolis Road: Officers conducted a premise check at the location, made contact with the employees. There were no issues observed or reported, and the business regular as usual.
No Report     

0740 hours - Premise Check - 5200-5400 block of 85th Avenue: Officers on patrol conducted a premise check of the area for suspicious persons or activities, none of which were observed.
No Report 

0745 Hrs. Premise Check. 8500 block Annapolis Rd. Officers made contact with hotel staff who advised all was good. No signs of criminal activity observed. No Report

 0822 hours - Open line - 8600 block Preston Street: Communications advised that they have an open line from the location with a kid talking in the background. Officers responded to the location and discovered that the kid was playing on the phone. The family was advised.
No Report  

0925 hours - Premise Check - 5500 block of Karen Elaine Drive: Officers on patrol conducted a premise check of the area for suspicious persons or activities, none of which were observed.
No report    

0930 Premise Check 8400 block 85th Ave. - Officers patrolled the area looking for any suspicious persons or activities, none of which were observed.
No Repot 

1045 hours - Premise Check - 7700 & 7800 block of Riverdale Road: Officers on patrol conducted a premise check of the area for suspicious persons or activities, none of which were observed.
No Report    

1142 hours - Hit & Run - 8500 block of 85th Avenue: The caller stated that she was involved in a hit & run. Officers responded to the location, the caller could not be found anywhere in the area. Upon confirmation, it was discovered that the caller was in D sector. The D sector was advised.
No Report

1217 hours - Suspicious person - 8500 block of Annapolis Road: While officers were on patrol, they observed a suspicious person in the area. The person was stopped, identified, checked for warrants which yielded in negative results. He was advised and sent on his way.
Report Written

1310 hours - Premise Check - 8500 block Annapolis Rd: Officers conducted a foot patrol of the hotel checking in with management and staff.
No Report      

1420 hours - Premise Check - 7400 block Riverdale Road: Officers conducted a foot patrol of the library checking in with management and staff.
 No Report

1528 hours - Disorderly call - 8400 block Annapolis Road: Officers responded to the listed location for a male subject panhandling. Upon officer's arrival the male subject was GOA.
No Report 

1615 hours - Premise check - 7700 block Riverdale Road: Officers conducted a premise check at the location, made contact with the employees. There were no issues observed or reported, and the business regular as usual. No report  

1709 hours - Premise Check - 6000 block of Mentana Street: Officers on patrol conducted a premise check of the area for suspicious persons or activities, none of which were observed. No report  

1736 hours - 6600 block Ian At - Parking Complaint - Neighbor complained of vehicle parking in a manner that blocks her driveway. Upon arrival vehicle in question was gone. PD will return on Monday to attempt to make contact with the vehicle driver. 
No report at this time. 

1745 Death Report/ 7700 block Topton St/ the caller found his mother the decedent in her bedroom not responding. There were no signs of foul play. The decedent had health issues. PGPD Homicide was advised the OCME findings. Hardesty Funeral Home responded and claimed the body. Report Written

1830 Disorderly/ 8300 block Annapolis Rd / Officers responded to the scene but the juveniles were GOA prior to officer’s arrival. No Report

2001 Property Damage/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / Caller advised he had damage to his vehicle but was not for sure if it happened in the parking lot. Report Written

2022 EPS/ 7500 block Riverdale Rd/ Caller advised she had an emergency evaluation petition that needed to be served to her son. Officers spoke with the male in question and transported him to PGH for the Sheriff’s Department. Report Written

2110 Unknown Trouble/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / Officers responded to the scene and spoke with the caller who advised the female left prior to officer’s arrival. No Report

2127 Suspicious Vehicle/ Jodie St @ Leahy Rd/ She was advised and sent on her way. No Report

2154 Accident/ Annapolis Rd @ Capital Beltway/ Unit 1 struck Unit 2 causing both vehicles to be disabled. Charlie's Towing responded and impounded unit 1 and Unit 2. Report Written

2218 Disorderly/ 5300 block 85th Ave/ Caller advised his roommate vandalized his kitchen. He advised he allowed a friend to stay for 30 days and then advised him he had to leave after the 30 days. The caller advised the roommate damage property in his kitchen. He was advised. No Report

2218 Domestic Standby/ 7700 block Riverdale Rd/ Caller advised she was giving her baby father some money and needed police to be there. Officers responded to the scene and the caller gave 5 dollars to officers to give to her baby's father. No Report

2225 Accident/ Annapolis Rd @ Capital Beltway/ Unit 1 and Unit 2 were in a traffic accident. Both vehicles had minor damage and there were no injuries. Info exchange. No Report  

2325 Theft from Auto/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd / Officers responded to the scene and spoke to the caller who advised their front passenger side window was busted out and property was taken from the vehicle. Report Written

2332 Welfare Check/ 5700 block 85th Ave/ Caller advised there was a child running from someone. Officers responded to the scene and canvassed the area, which yielded negative results. No Report

0050 Found Property/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd / Officers were patrolling in the area, when someone waved them down and advised them they found a wallet on the ground. The property was placed into NCPD property locker. Report Written

0120 Theft from Auto/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd / Officers responded to the scene and spoke to the caller who advised their rear driver side window was busted out and property was taken from the vehicle. Report Written

0245 Premise Check/ 8100 block Annapolis Rd - the area was clear

0315 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - the area was clear

0415 Premise Check/ 8400 block Annapolis Rd the area was clear

0510 Premise Check/ 8500 block Annapolis Rd - the area was clear


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