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Monday December 5, 2016

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0027 Hours- Suspicious persons- 8461 Annapolis Road ( 7-eleven).- officers observed two males loitering at the location; the males were stopped, identified, checked negative, photographed, advised and sent on their way. Report written-

0045 Hours- Mandatory premise check- 5400 bBlk 85th Avenue.- complaints of males loitering, trespassing, smoking c.d.s. and drinking. Area was canvased, no violations were observed.

0100 Hours- Premise check- 7501 Riverdale Road.- all clear.--

0110 Hours- Residential alarm- 6600 Blk Chestnut Avenue.- alarm activation from garage motion detector with wrong code given. Officers were cancelled by Alarm Company prior to arrival.

0120 Hours- Premise check- Darcars- all clear.

0129 Hours- Suspicious persons- 7501 Riverdale Road.- officer observed males walking between cars in a suspicious manner. Due to recent theft from auto's in the area, the males were stopped, identified, checked negative, photographed, advised and sent on their way. Report written-

0205 Hours- Premise check- 7710 Riverdale Road.- all clear

0245 Hours- Mandatory premise check- 5400 Blk 85th Avenue.- complaints of males loitering, trespassing, smoking c.d.s. and drinking. Area was canvased, no violations were observed.

0314 Hours- Suspicious Occupied Vehicle- 5800 block of 87th Avenue.- While patrolling, officers smelled an odor of burnt marijuana in the area, officers observed an occupied vehicle parked with the engine idling in a unlit area . When officers made contact the occupants, an odor of marijuana was detected coming from the vehicle. A search of the vehicle yielded negative results; the occupants were identified, checked negative, photographed, advised and sent on their way. Report written- .

0404 Hours- - Premise check- 7501 Riverdale Road.- all clear.

0440 Hours- Premise check- Darcars- all clear.

0630 hrs., Business Check/ 7-11, check clear.

0700 hrs., Business Check/ MetroPoints Hotel, check clear.

0746 hrs., 85th Ave and Annapolis Rd/ Accident, no injuries but one vehicle was towed from the scene.

0850 hrs., Business Check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.

0910 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Blk of 85th Ave, persons complaining of suspicious persons gathering and being disorderly, check clear.

0940 hrs., Business Check/ Foot Patrol of Lowes, check clear.

1012 hrs., 5700 Blk 85th Ave/ Alarm call, all doors were secure and the homeowner was on scene, unknown cause for activation.

1025 hrs., School Check/ Carrollton Elementary School, check clear.

1040 hrs., 8211 Annapolis Rd (TD Bank)/ Stolen vehicle, male called stating his vehicle was stolen and he tracked it with GPS to across the bridge in Maryland. Upon speaking with Bank representatives, it was repossessed in Rochester, NY and sitting in their Police Department parking lot. Male was getting upset and left the bank.

1100 hrs., Residential check/ 5500 blk of Karen Elaine Dr, persons complaining of suspicious persons gathering and being disorderly, check clear.

1130 hrs., Residential check/ 7300 Blk of Gavin St, persons complaining of suspicious persons gathering and being disorderly, check clear.

1210 hrs., Business Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.

1300 hrs., Residential check/ 5300-5400 Blk of 85th Ave, persons complaining of suspicious persons gathering and being disorderly, check clear.

1350 hrs., Business Check/ 8445 Annapolis Rd, check clear.

1425 hrs., Business Check/ 7-11, check clear.

1500 hrs., Business Check/ Carrollton Enterprise, check clear.

1545 hrs., School Check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, check clear.

1600 hrs., Business Check/ Shoppers, check clear.

1630 hrs., Business Check/ CVS Pharmacy, check clear.

1752 Hours- Disorderly - 7300 Blk Longbranch Drive - Juvenile caller stated classmate had a dispute with her while walking home from Parkdale High school, for looking at a rabbit on her friend’s property. Juvenile and parent were advised to speak with School Resource Officer about incident. Parent were also advised the process to get a protective order.

1830 Hours- Assist MSP - 495 Northbound/450 exit - MSP requested officers assistance on traffic stop with three occupants.

1909 Hours- Customer Dispute - 8461 Annapolis Road (7 Eleven) - Caller advised they had a dispute with store employee and wanted to speak with officers. Officers arrived on scene and suspect gone on arrival.

1930 Hours- Disorderly - Annapolis Road/85th Avenue - Caller wanted to report a road rage incident. Officers arrived on scene and the caller was gone upon arrival.

2045 Hours- Commercial Alarm - 8445 Annapolis Rd. Suite E - Front door motion was set off by unknown means. All doors checks secured.

2055 Hours- Death Notification - 7600 Blk Topton St. – While in route officers were cancel prior to arrival, the family were already notified by the medical examiner.

2100 Hours- Premise check- 7501 Riverdale Road.- all clear.--

2200 Hours- Premise check- Darcars- all clear.

2230 Hours- Mandatory premise check- 5400 Blk 85th Avenue.- complaints of males loitering, trespassing, smoking c.d.s. and drinking. Area was canvased, no violations were observed.

2326 Hours- Suspicious Vehicle- 7700 block of Arehart Dr. .- Officers observed a vehicle idling and, parked in the dead end in an unlit area. Due to recent theft from autos in the area, officers made contact with the occupant. The occupant resides at 7700 Blk Arehart Drive, which was listed on his Maryland Driver’s License; he was advised and sent on his way.

2352 Hours- Vehicle Accident- 5500 Karen Elaine Dr.- Unit-1 failed to control speed and struck unit-2. Both vehicles sustained minor damages. Both driver’s claimed no injuries and refused medical attention on scene. Information was exchanged.

2344 Hours- Domestic Dispute- 5400 Blk 85th Avenue.- Caller advised he was involved in a dispute with partner over finances. Both party were met and advised. Report written


0214 Hours- Armed Person Complaint 7600 Blk Fontainebleau Dr.- Caller advised two males were outside cutting each other. Officer arrived on scene and nothing was found. Communication attempted to make contact but caller said hello and hung up.

0238 Hours Premise check 7501 Riverdale Road all clear

0312 Hours Premise Check 7300 Block of Gavin Street all clear

0345 Hours Premise Check 8100 Darcars all clear

0419 Hours Premise Check 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Drive all clear

0448 Hours Shots Fired 7700 block of Annapolis Road, NCPD officers responded to assist Prince George’s County PD with shots fired near the Enterprise Car Sales Lot, area was check with nothing found all clear.

0700 hrs., Business Check/ 7-11, check clear.

0730 hrs., Residential Check/ 5300-5400 Blk of 85th Ave., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

0815 hrs., Business Check/ Metro Points Hotel, check clear.

0900 hrs., Business Check/ 8400 blk of Annapolis Rd, check clear.

1055 hrs., Trespassing Arrest/ 8400 Blk Annapolis Rd/ Manager called about a subject who was banned from the T/A in the past. Subject was placed under arrest and transported to DOC, search incident to arrest officer recovered a crack pipe.

1145 hrs., Business check of 8490 Annapolis Rd./ Foot Patrol, check clear.

1230 hrs., Business Check/ Shoppers Food, check clear.

1300 hrs., Business Check/ Metropoints Hotel and plaza, check clear.

1410 hrs., Business Check/ New Carrollton Pool, check clear.

1529 hrs., Accident/ Lamont Dr at Carrollton Pkwy/ Pedestrian failed to use a crosswalk and got struck by a vehicle. Pedestrian had minor injuries and transported to the hospital. NCP1612021567

1630 hrs., Premise Check/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd/ All clear.

1700 hrs., Premise Check/ 7600 Blk Fontainbleau Dr/ All clear.

1945 Premise Check/ 8490 Annapolis Rd checked businesses all were ok

2021 Premise Check/ 8300 blk Annapolis Rd area was clear

2150 Commercial Alarm/ 8445 Annapolis Rd (Hair Academy) doors were secure, unknown reason for activation

2159 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts area was clear, very little foot traffic

2229 Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd (Darcars) business closed for the evening, security on premises

2310 Commercial Alarm/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd (K&G) front door alarm, doors were secure. Unknown reason for activation

2318 Mandatory Premise Check/ 7501 Riverdale Rd officer were present with emergency lights on


0145 Premise Check/8461 Annapolis Rd (7-Eleven) business as usual

0200 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts area was clear, no suspicious activity observed

0220 Assist/ 5800 Blk 87th Ave PGSO served an EPS on a female resident

0300 Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd (Darcars) business closed for the evening, security on premises

0440 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts area was clear, no suspicious activity observed

0500 Premise Check/7501 Riverdale Rd officer were present with emergency lights on

1755 Accident/ 5400 blk 85th Ave parties exchanged info

1805 Unknown Trouble/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd call location provided by Anny Ally no sounds of distress. Possible location was Greenbelt

1930 Premise Check/ 8321 Annapolis Rd (King Pollo) business as usual

2010 Premise Check/ 6100 blk 84th Ave area was clear

2100 Premise heck/ 7617 Fontainebleau Dr area was clear

2204 Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd (Darcars) business closed, lot clear and security on premises

2238 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts area was clear, no suspicious activity observed

2300 Premise Check/ 7790 Riverdale Rd (Shoppers) business as usual

2341 Family Dispute/ 8400 Blk Carrollton Pkwy


0008 Disorderly/ 7790 Riverdale Rd (Shoppers) panhandlers asking for money. Subjects were gone upon arrival and the store was closed

0145 Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd (Darcars) business closed, lot clear and security on premises

0215 Premise Check/ 8461 Annapolis Rd (7-Eleven) business as usual

0340 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts area was clear, no suspicious activity observed

0500 Premise Check/ 7501 Riverdale Rd area was clear

1940 Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Rd business as usual

2043 Premise Check/ Plaza 30 area was clear

2220 Premise Check/ 7501 Riverdale Rd area was clear, no suspicious activity observed

2225 Premise Check/ 7790 Riverdale Rd (Shoppers) business as usual

2315 Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd (Darcars) business closed for the evening, lot clear

2325 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts area was clear, no suspicious activity

2343 Premise Check/ 8461 Annapolis Rd (7-Eleven) business as usual


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