0645 hrs.,
Premise Check/ 7-11, check clear.
0715 hrs., Premise Check/ Plaza 30, check clear.
0755 hrs., Premise Check/ 5300-5400 Block of 85th Ave, check
0820 hrs., Premise Check/ 6600 Block of Chestnut Ave, check
0845 hrs.,Premise Check/ 8300 Block of Donoghue Dr, check clear.
0920 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton, check clear.
0950 hrs., Premise Check/ CVS Pharmacy, check clear.
1045 hrs., Premise Check/ New Carrollton Public Library, check
1110 hrs., Premise Check/ Beckett Field and Hanko Building,
check clear.
1145 hrs., School Check/ Carrollton Elementary School, check
1230 hrs., School Check/ Robert Frost Elementary School, check
1250 hrs., Premise Check/ Good Luck Park, check clear.
1315 hrs., Premise Check/ CVS Pharmacy, check clear.
1345 hrs., Premise Check/ Shops at New Carrollton, check clear.
1425 hrs., Premise Check/ Heritage Square Apartments, check
1455 hrs., Premise Check/ 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr, check
1530 hrs.,
Legation St and Runford Dr. / Loud music, caller advised there was loud
music in the area. Officers located the house with the music and advised
them to turn it down just a little. They apologized and turned it
down. No Report.
1600 hrs., Premise Check/ Exercise trail and Dog Park, check
1636 hrs.,
85th Ave and Annapolis Rd/ Vehicle accident, minor vehicle accident between two
vehicles. No parties claimed injury and information was exchanged between
parties. No Report.
1642 hrs.,
6900 Block
Good Luck Rd/ Loud music, caller stated there was loud music coming from this
location. There was no caller information but officers located the music
and asked the owner to turn it down he did prior to officers leaving. No
1650 hrs.,
8600 Block
of Annapolis Rd/ Traffic stop, stop cleared without incident.
Fight/ 8400 Block Annapolis Rd/
the caller advised he was assaulted at the Staples. Officers made contact with
the victim who refused medical and wanted to report the incident. The victim
was provided numbers for reference. No report
Disorderly/ 5800 Block Lamont Dr. - the
caller advised her brother was on scene and he was not wanted there. Officers
responded and prior to arrival the brother left and the caller refused police
services. No report
Premise Check/ 7700 Block Riverdale Rd - the
store was preparing to close for the evening.
Premise Check/ 8300 Block Oliver St and
surrounding streets - the area was clear.
Premise Check/ 8400 Block Annapolis Rd -
the business was closing for the evening.
Unknown Trouble/ 7600 Block Riverdale Rd -
the caller advised people were fighting in the unit above them. Officers
responded and could not confirm any fight. The caller never revealed their unit
and the units checked advised all was clear. No report
2355 Theft/ 8400 Block
Annapolis Rd - a male entered the store and attempted to steal merchandise.
Officers arrived and detained the subject in the store. The subject checked
negative for warrants. The subject suffered from a mental illness and was
transported to PGH by EMS. Report written
Residential Alarm/ 6400 Block Fairbanks St -
the alarm was from entry and exit doors. Officers checked the residence and all
was secure. As officers were leaving the resident answered the door and advised
all was ok. No report
Disorderly/ 7900 Block Good Luck Rd - an
officer observed a male in the middle of the street walking. Greenbelt PD
responded and handled the incident. No report
0206 Family Dispute/ 7500 Block
Riverdale Rd - mother and daughter were having an alleged physical altercation.
Officers arrived and met with the parties who were yelling at each other.
Neither party wanted to press charges. The daughter was given a ride to the Metro
Points. Report written
Premise Check/ 8300 Block Annapolis Rd -
the business was secure.
Premise Check/ 7700 Block Riverdale Rd and
surrounding streets - the areas were clear.
Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts. - the area was clear.
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