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Wednesday October 19, 2016

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0004 Premise Check/ 8501 Annapolis Rd business closed, lot was clear

0030 Suspicious Person/ 8500 Blk Legation Rd male was sitting in the park clearing his mind

0110 Premise Check/ 6130 Lamont Dr school grounds were clear

0214 Domestic/ 7600 Blk Fontainebleau Dr  ex-girlfriend came banging on the door wanting to return after moving out for 3 weeks. The arrested refused to lower her voice and leave the premises

0330 Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd business is closed and lot clear

0342 Disorderly/ 8461 Annapolis Rd dispute over cab fare and services

0700 hrs School Check/ 6130 Lamont Dr/ All Clear.

0730 hrs School Check/ 8100 Quintana St/ All Clear.

0830 hrs., Residential Check/ 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Dr., citizen complaint of suspicious activity. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

0950 hrs., Business Check/ Shell Gas Station, all clear.

1015 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1215 hrs Disorderly/ 6400 Blk Fairborn Terr/ Caller stated the company that destroyed his backyard was working on a house on the same street. Contact was made and the manager of the company fixed the problem in the backyard and all parties were happy.

1245 hrs., Business Check/ Shops of New Carrollton, all clear.

1300 hrs., Residential Check/ 5300 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1325 hrs., School Check/ Charles Carroll Middle, all clear.

1420 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1448 hrs., Business Check/ Lowe's Home Improvement, all clear.

1545 hrs., Residential Check/ 5300 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1626 hrs Vandalism to Auto/ 5400 blk 85th Ave/ Unknown suspect damage the caller vehicle by unknown means.

1555 hrs., Business Check/ 7-Eleven, all clear.

1845 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts area was clear, no suspicious activity

1910 Premise Check/ 5500 blk Karen Elaine Drive area was clear

1950 Premise Check/ 7700 blk Riverdale Rd parking lots were clear

2040 Premise Check/ 85th Ave Apts spoke with Code 3 Security officers, no issues reported

2049 Suspicious Person/ 8500 Blk Legation Rd male was sitting in his vehicle drinking a soda. The male checked negative for warrants

2100 Premise Check/ 7790 Riverdale Rd business as usual

2140 Premise Check/ 8300 blk Annapolis Rd area was clear

2245 Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd business closed, lot clear

2315 Disorderly/ 8300 Quintana St (Carrollton Elementary) unknown suspects set a small fire. Suspects fled upon officers approach. No property was burned/destroyed

2340 Premise Check/ 6419 85th Ave area was clear


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