0648 Hours -Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0701 Hours -Premise Check- 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0751 Hours -Stolen Vehicle- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: The vehicle was impounded.
0814 Hours -Disorderly- 7300 Block of Oakcrest Dr: Officers responded to a family dispute over money. All parties were advised.
0855 Hours -Premise Check- 7400 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0934 Hours -Death Investigation- 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr: Officers responded to a working code. The fireboard was unable to revive the subject. Officers completed the report and the body was released to the family. Report Generated
1019 Hours -Overdose- 6500 Block of Lamont Pl: Officers responded for an overdose. Upon arrival, it was discovered the caller believed she had overdosed after doing CDS a week ago. The caller refused all services.
1024 Hours -Sig 7- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded for a Sig 7 in the stairwell. The subject was GOA.
1143 Hours -Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
1309 Hours -Premise Check- 6016 Princess Garden Pkwy: Officers checked the building during the blood drive, and nothing was found.
1343 Hours -Noise Complaint- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded out for loud noise. Officers could not locate the loud noise.
1424 Hours -Lock In- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded to a subject who was stuck in her unit. The door was unwedged and the subject was able to open her door.
1450 Hours -Alarm- 6100 Block of Lamont Dr: Officers responded to a temp building alarm. Officers discovered an open window. County PD responded and completed the call for service.
1611 Hours -Music comp- 8400 Block of Carrollton Pkwy: Officers responded to a vehicle with loud music playing. The vehicle could not be located.
1843 Hours -Disorderly- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a homeless male who refused to leave the bathroom. Officers made contact with the male subject who using the bathroom. The manager stated he had been in the bathroom for hours, and the manager advised the male subject not to return to the restaurant. No Report
2007 Hours -Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2028 Hours -Loud Music- 7700 Block of Topton St: Officers responded to the listed location for the sounds of loud music. Once on the scene, officers found that the music was coming from outside of city limits and enforcement couldn’t be applied.
No Report
2102 Hours -Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2137 Hours -Premise Check- 5200-5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2219 Hours -Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2304 Hours -Loud Music- 8300 Block of Larchwood St: Officers responded to the listed location for the sounds of loud music. Officers made contact with the homeowner who turned the music down without incident. No Report
2321 Hours -Party Complaint- 8300 Block of Verona Dr: Officers responded to the listed area for a party complaint. Officers made contact with the homeowner and the music at the party was turned down. No Report
2333 Hours -Suspicious Person- 7600 Block of Fontainebleau Dr: Officers responded to the listed location for a female subject sleeping in the hallway. Officers made contact with the female subject who stated she was trying to stay out of the cold. She was sent on her way without incident. No Report
2358 Hours -Loud Music- 8400 Block of Ravenswood Rd: Officers responded to the listed location and made contact with the homeowner about the music. The homeowner cut off the music without incident. No Report.
0037 Hours -Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0119 Hours -Premise Check- 8500 Block of Legation Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0222 Hours -Premise Check- 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0334 Hours -Premise Check- 5500 Block of Karen Elaine Dr. Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0403 Hours -Premise Check- 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0525 Hours -Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
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