0705 Hours- Stolen from Auto - 6000 Block of Mentana St: Officers responded to a theft from an Auto report. Officers were unable to verify theft took place. The signal 4 was advised.
0815 Hours - Disorderly - 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers responded to a disorderly subject panhandling in the store. The subject was stopped and barred from the property. Report Generated
0838 Hours - Disorderly - 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to a disorderly subject panhandling in the store. The subject was stopped and barred from the property. Report Generated
0926 Hours - Theft from Auto- 5900 Block of Mentana St: Officers responded to a theft from an Auto report. The signal 4 was not on the scene. No report
0933 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers conducted traffic enforcement in the area. Officers stopped and issued citations for violations.
0943 Hours - Hit and Run- 7600 Block of Topton St: Officers were unable to verify an accident took place.
1038 Hours - Hit and Run- 8300 Block of Donoghue: Officers responded to hit and run. Officers completed a hit-and-run accident report. Report Generated
1241 Hours - Trespass Complaint - 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to a trespassing complaint. The subject was GOA before officers arrived.
1311 Hours -Traffic Enforcement- Topton @ Legation Rd: Officers conducted traffic enforcement in the area. Officers stopped and issued citations for violations.
1321 Hours -Traffic Enforcement- Lamont Dr@ Carrollton Pkwy: Officers conducted traffic enforcement in the area. Officers stopped and issued citations for violations.
1345 Hours - Sig 5- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: While conducting a premise check officers observed a vehicle with a pickup order on the tags. The tags were removed from the vehicle to be sent to the MVA. Report Generated
1433 Hours - Recovered Stolen Vehicle- 6400 Block of Fairborn Terrace: Officers responded and recovered a stolen vehicle. Report Generated
1542 Hours - Signal 9 - 8600 Block of Powhatan St: Officers responded and assisted with an information exchange.
1544 Hours - Disorderly - 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Suspects were GOA.
1732 Hours - Signal 9 - Annapolis Road @ Riverdale Road: Officers assisted with an information exchange.
1734 Hours - Signal 9 -Annapolis Road @ 85th Avenue: Officers assisted with the information exchange.
1813 Hours -Disorderly- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded to the listed location for a male subject in the laundry room. The male subject was trying to stay dry from the rain. He was advised and sent on his way without incident. No Report
1852 Hours -Trespassing- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded to the listed location for two people sleeping underneath the stairs. Officers made contact with both subjects and sent them on their way. No Report
1910 Hours -Breaking & Entering- 7600 Block of Good Luck Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a breaking and entering at the Temple. Officers observed an opened door that had been forced open. Officers cleared the residence with negative results. An officer was injured during the search and was transported to a local hospital for treatment.
Report Generated
0045 Hours -Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0143 Hours -Premise Check- 8100 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0334 Hours -Premise Check- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0419 Hours -Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0512 Hours -Premise Check- 8500 Block of Legation Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0045 Hours -Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0143 Hours -Premise Check- 8100 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0334 Hours -Premise Check- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0419 Hours -Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0512 Hours -Premise Check- 8500 Block of Legation Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
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