1808 Hours- Missing- 6000 Block of 89th Ave- Officers responded out for a missing person. The reporting person was not on scene.
1839 Hours- Stolen Vehicle - 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd- Officers responded out and took a report for a stolen vehicle. Report Written
1911 Hours- Recovered Stolen Vehicle- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd- Officers recovered a stolen vehicle. Report Written
2056 Hours - Assist Landover Hills - 6600 Block of Annapolis Rd- Officers assisted Landover Hills with a suspicious person's report.
2103 Hours- Missing- 6000 Block of 89th Ave- Officers responded out for a missing. The missing person returned prior to completing the report.
2330 Hours- Suspicious Person - 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd- Officers observed a juvenile loitering in front of the TA- it was discovered the juvenile ran away from home. The missing person was returned to their parents. Handled under original case numbers.
0035 Hours- Welfare check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd- Officers responded out for a woman who had blisters on her feet. The call was handled by the fireboard.
0414 Hours-Domestic- Powhatan @Legation- Officers responded out for a UUV (unauthorized use of vehicle). It was discovered the caller was drunk and forgot where they parked their vehicle. The vehicle was located a block away and legally parked.
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