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Wednesday September 14, 2016


0002 hrs., Topton St. and Nystrom St/ Suspicious Vehicle, males were working on a vehicle they owned, checked ok.

0003 hrs., 8500 Annapolis Rd./ Fight, Subject involved was uncooperative and second subject could not be identified or located, male was taken to the hospital and Property Damage was reported. NC4 was notified of the incident.

0120 hrs., Business Check/ Darcars, all clear.

0150 hrs., Business Check/ 7-11, all clear.

0230 hrs., Business Check/ Plaza 30, all clear.

0345 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

0430 hrs., Residential Check/ 8300 Oglethorpe St., check clear.

0450 hrs., Residential Check/ 5500 Blk of Karen Elaine Dr, citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

0515 hrs., Business Check/ Shell, all clear.

0700 hrs., Premise Check 8500 Annapolis road Metro Points Hotel, check clear.

0800 hrs., Premise Check 5200-5400 Blk 85th Avenue., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1000 hrs., Break-in-Progress 5800 Blk 84th Avenue, Caller from 8300 Blk Legation road called to report a suspicious male attempting to break in the residence. Officers made contact with the alleged suspect, who is the brother of the property owner. Officers were able to make contact with the owner via telephone, he confirmed the suspect is his brother and he has permission to be on property.

1005 hrs., Premise Check 5500 Blk of Karen Elaine Dr, citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1025 hrs., Premise Check 5200-5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1100 hrs., Premise Check 8400 block of Annapolis rd Plaza 30, all clear.

1125 hrs., Premise Check 8201 Annapolis Rd. CVS, check clear.

1158 hrs., Theft Arrest 8400 Blk Annapolis Road, (Starbucks) Store manager stated a black male wearing a teal colored shirt with tattoo on his face entered the business, walked up to the tip jar and stole money with a estimated amount of $15.00. Officers canvassed the area and were able to located a matching suspect who happen to be Troy Coley; subsequently he was arrested and transported to Hyattsville D.O.C. Report written

1311 hrs., Property Damage 8500 Annapolis Road (Medical Center) Caller stated his vehicle was damaged by unknown means, however, the incident occurred last week Friday. He was provided with Case numbers for reference

1420 hrs. Theft 8201 Annapolis Road (CVS) No theft was verified case numbers given for reference.

1430 hrs., Suspicious Person 7700 block of Annapolis road, male subject sitting on the curb needed medical attention for pain. PG County Ambulance 830 arrived on scene and provided medical assistance.

1533 hrs., Accident 6130 Lamont Drive (Charles Carroll )Vehicle accident involving a County School Bus. No injuries, minor damages, Prince George’s County Police responded on scene for the report.

1600 hrs., Premise Check Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1618 hrs., Premise Check 8461 Annapolis Road 7-11, all clear.

1635 hrs., Premise Check 8309 Annapolis road Shell, all clear.

1650 hrs., Residential Alarm 5300 Blk 85th avenue , No signs of forced entry, all windows and doors secured. Unknown activation cause, F.A.R number was provided. All clear.

1720 hrs., Premise Check 5200-5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1830 hrs., 5412 85th Domestic/ Uncooperative Victim when she was advised what actions to take she was not pleased and advised us she would like us to leave and no assistance was needed.

1900 hrs., Business Check/ Plaza 30, all clear.

1940 hrs., Residential Check/ 5200-5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

2000 hrs., Business Check/ Metro Points Hotel, check clear.

2050 hrs., Annapolis Rd at the Beltway/ Accident, airbags deployed, the accident occurred in David sector, they were contacted to take over the investigation.

2125 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

2145 hrs., Premise Check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, check clear.

2200 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

2222 hrs., Shell Gas station/ Suspicious Person, male was identified and sent on his way.

2310 hrs., Business check/ 7-11, all clear,

2320 hrs., Business check/ Shoppers, all clear,

2325 hrs., 8301 Freemont Place/ Suspicious vehicle, vehicle was gone prior to our arrival.

2357 hrs., 8461 Annapolis Rd./ Suspicious person, subject was cited for Trespass, and sent on his way.


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