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Monday January 11, 2016

Happy Monday!

We hope everyone had a safe weekend and took advantage of the beautiful weather. But it's back to Winter today!! Bundle up!! Even some talk of possible snow in the next few days!

Here are the Events from Friday 1/8-1/10

Jan 8

0006 Hrs Premise Check/ 8464 Annapolis Road/ Area checked, All clear

0035 Hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Road/ Area checked, All clear

0140 Hrs Premise Check/ Gavin street@ Quentin Street/ Area checked, All clear

0148 Hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Road/ Area checked, All clear

0205 Hrs Residential Check/ Officers canvased the residential area looking for suspicious subjects and activities but ended with negative results.

0406 Hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Road/ Area checked, All clear

0510 Hrs Domestic Dispute/ 7900 Oland Ct/ The reporting person stated that her son and girlfriend were arguing over the son's cell phone. There was no physical altercation verified. All parties were advised.

0636 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annapolis Road/ All clear

0637 hrs Premise Check 8500 of Annapolis Road/ All clear

0716 hrs A.C.R.S. 8500 Annapolis Road- Two vehicle collision resulted in vehicle being inoperable and impounded

0840 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/ All clear

0900 hrs Premise Check 5200-5400 block of 85th Avenue/ All clear

1000 hrs Abandon vehicle Annapolis Road/Veterans Pkwy Vehicle was disabled and left in the roadway. It was subsequently impounded for safe keeping; teletype notified.

1040 hrs Premise Check 8400 Blk of Annapolis road Plaza 30 shopping center/ All clear

1131 hrs Premise Check 7790 Riverdale Road (Shoppers)/ All clear

1145 hrs Premise Check 8500 Annapolis Road (Metro points Hotel)/ All clear

1150 hrs Premise Check 8211 Annapolis Road (TD Bank)/ All clear

1230 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road (Darcars)/ All clear

1325 hrs Premise Check Quentin street and Gavin street/ All clear

1435 hrs Domestic 7609 Riverdale Road . Male half reported, he came home from work and noticed his ex girlfriend destroyed his personal property .Female half left prior officer's arrival, he was advised and warrants are pending.

1455 hrs MPS 6400 blk 85th place Caller wanted to reported he observed several fingerprints on his rear kitchen windows.Scene was processed for latent fingerprints which yielded negative results, no entry was made.

1520 hrs School fight 6130 Lamont Drive (Charles Carroll Middle School) While in patrol, officers were flagged down by school security in reference to students fighting. Subsequently, the fight was broken up, all students involved were detained. There were no injuries, all students were released to the school for disciplinary actions. .

1530 hrs MPS 6130 Lamont Drive (Charles Carroll Middle School) While on scene for the fight report, school officer Dunbar advised officer's he found two students with suspected marijuana in their possession. The marijuana was recovered to be place in NCPD evidence, the two student were released to the school for further disciplinary actions.

1700 hrs Premise Check 8309 Annapolis road (Shell)/ All clear

1730 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annapolis road/ All clear

1813 hrs., Accident/ Annapolis Rd & Capitol Beltway, unit-1 collided with unit-2, no injuries, minor damage, information was exchanged.

1954 hrs., Business Check/ Metro Points Hotel, all clear.

2040 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

2050 hrs., School Check/ Lamont Elementary, all clear.

2123 hrs., Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

2205 hrs., Disorderly/ Metro Points Hotel, guest smoking CDS on 6th floor (unknown room), area check with nothing found.

2217 hrs., Business Check/ Plaza 30 Shopping Ctr., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

2327 hrs., Residential Check/ 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Dr., citizen complaint of suspicious activity. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

Jan 9

0025 hrs., Disorderly/ 7841 Riverdale Rd., dispute between to tenants, both were referred to district court.

0247 hrs., Residential Check/ 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Dr., citizen complaint of suspicious activity. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

0250 hrs., Business Check/ Metro Points Hotel, all clear.

0351 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

0426 hrs., School Check/ Robert Frost Elementary, all clear.

0615 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road (Darcars)/ All clear

0637 hrs Premise Check 8309 Annapolis Road (Shell) / All clear

0728 hrs Theft from auto 5542 Karen Elaine Drive. Suspect(s) stole his factory rims and tires. The scene was not processed for fingerprints due to weather conditions, photographs were taken. 16-009-0595

0751 hrs Premise Check 5500 blk of Karen Elaine Drive/ All clear

0820 hrs Premise Check 7600 blk of Fontainebleau Drive/ All clear

0855 hrs Vehicle accident 5400 blk of 85th Ave. Vehicle failed to yield to right of way, after exiting the parking lot and struck another vehicle in the roadway. Both vehicles sustained minor damages, no injuries and information was exchanged.

0914 hrs Premise Check 7790 Riverdale Road (Shoppers)/ All clear

0945 hrs Premise Check 8201 Annapolis Road (CVS)/ All clear

0955 hrs Premise Check 8211 Annapolis Road (TD Bank)/ All clear

1015 hrs Vehicle release 6016 Princess Garden Parkway. Vehicle was released to owner/ All clear

1035 hrs Suspicious person/EPS 5300 blk 85th Ave. While en route, dispatch advised there was suspicious female with no shoes on, yelling and knocking on random doors. Once on scene, the female subject matching the description was located. During the interview, the female subject stated she wanted to kill her self. Subsequently, she was placed into custody and transported to the hospital for an psychological evaluation.

1200hrs Premise Check 7786 Riverdale road/ All clear

1218 hrs Vehicle release 6016 Princess Garden Parkway. Owner did not have the required documents for his vehicle release, he was advised to return later with the proper documents.

1230 hrs Premise Check 8500 Annapolis road (Metro Points Hotel)/All clear

1310 hrs Vehicle release 6016 Princess Garden Parkway. Vehicle was released to owner/ All clear

1347 hrs Break-in and Entering 6400 86th ave. Once on scene, investigation revealed no burglary was verified, the caller was having issues with her teenage son and needed advice to discipline him. She was given parenting tips for raising teenagers and advise to seek assistance from the courts.

1420 hrs Premise Check 8500 blk of 86th court/ All clear

1450 hrs Road rage incident Ellen Road near New Carrollton Metro Station. PGPD was unavailable and requested assistance from NCPD. Once on scene, caller did not want police services, she only wanted to notified officer's of the incident.

1518 hrs Premise Check 7609 Annapolis Road (West Lanham Hills Fire Dept)/ All clear

1534 hrs Premise Check 8400 blk of Annapolis Road (Plaza 30 Shopping center)/ All clear

1620 hrs Premise Check 5200-5400 blk of 85th ave/ All clear

1645 hrs Station Call/Animal Complaint 6222 87th avenue. Caller reported an injured opossum in her backyard. Prince George's County Animal Control was contacted, and advised they were in route to transport the injured animal to the animal shelter for medical assistance.

1710 hrs Premise Check Quentin Street and Gavin Street/ All clear

1733 hrs Vehicle accident 8600 blk of Annapolis Road. Vehicle rear ended another vehicle while in motion. Driver of the striking vehicle did not have a valid Driver's license, his vehicle was disabled and was subsequently impounded. There were no injuries; teletype notified.

1811 hrs., Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1820 hrs., Business Check/ Shoppers, all clear.

1840 hrs., Business Check/ Lowe's Home Improvement, all clear.

1900 hrs., Residential Check/ 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Dr., citizen complaint of suspicious activity. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

1910 hrs., Business Check/ Metro Points Hotel, all clear.

2030 hrs., Business Check/ Plaza 30 Shopping Ctr., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

2048 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

2130 hrs., Business Check/ CVS, all clear.

2204 hrs., Business Check/ 7-Eleven, all clear.

Jan 10

0018 hrs., Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

0120 hrs., Business Check/ Ihop, all clear.

0142 hrs., Suicide (attempt)/ 8500 blk Oglethorpe St., complainant wanted to voluntarily be transported to PGH on an EPS after attempting to overdose on pain pills.

0205 hrs., Business Check/ Shell GasStation, all clear.

0343 hrs., Vehicle Impound/ abandoned vehicle that was possibly involved in an accident at an unknown location was towed for safekeeping after being found on the sideway.

0523 hrs., Business Check/ Darcars Dodge, all clear

0646 hrs Premise Check 8300 blk of Annapolis Road (Shoppes at New Carrollton)/ All clear

0712 hrs Premise Check 8500 of Annapolis Road (Metro Points Hotel)/ All clear

0735 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road (Darcars)/ All clear

0755 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annapolis Road (7-11)/ All clear

0831 hrs Premise Check 7414 Riverdale Road (NC Library)/ All clear

0843 hrs Lost Property 7767 Riverdale Road  Caller reported an unknown suspect gained access into his home by unknown means and stole his wallet. The caller showed signs of a mental illness, made statements that had nothing to do with this incident. He did not meet the criteria for an EPS and was advised to seek assistance from Prince George's Hospital center.

0920 hrs Premise check 7710 Riverdale Rd (Lowes)/All clear

1000 hrs Premise check 5200-5400 block of 85th Avenue/ All clear

1047 hrs Premise Check 8400 Blk of Annapolis road Plaza 30 shopping center/ All clear

1117 hrs A.C.R.S. 7400 blk of Annapolis Road- Two vehicle collision resulted in: (1) driver was transported to the hospital; both vehicle's being inoperable were impounded.
1248 hrs Disorderly Conduct 7900 blk Oland Ct Caller needed officer's assistance to serve temporary peace order on daughter in-law. She was served and escorted off the property.

1323 hrs Premise check 8500 blk of 86th Ct/ All clear

1349 hrs Premise check Quentin Street and Gavin Street/ All clear

1418 hrs Premise check 6419 85th ave (Robert Frost)/ All clear

1455 hrs Premise check 7011 Good Luck Road (Trinity Moravian Church)/ All clear

1511 hrs Premise check 7605 Good Luck Road (Cambodia Temple)/ All clear

1542 hrs Premise check 8100 Annapolis road (Darcars)/ All clear

1624 hrs Lockout 5300 blk 85th Ave Citizen needed assistance to gain access into her apartment. Maintenance arrived on scene and assisted.

1626 hrs Residential alarm 7800 blk  Riverdale Rd . Accidental by home owner, everything checked clear.

1636 hrs Assisted motorist 7800 blk of Riverdale Rd. Vehicle was disabled in the roadway, private tow company responded and removed the vehicle.

1702 hrs Assisted motorist Good Luck road and Auburn Ave. Vehicle was disabled in the roadway, officers assisted and pushed the vehicle out of the roadway. .

1727 hrs Premise check 8211 Legation road (Hanko Building)/ All clear

1850 hrs., Business Check/ 7-Eleven, all clear.

1901 hrs., Suspicious Occupied Vehicle/ 7600 blk Vicar Pl., complainant call regarding a vehicle idling in front of her resident. The vehicle was stopped and the occupant was identified as the complainant son.

1920 hrs., Missing Person/ 5700 blk 83rd Place., the complainant's 15 yrs old daughter was last seen Saturday at 330pm. There was an argument over her recent behavior (drinking drugs mischievous behavior), no clothing description, no medical or mental issues. She isn't on any medications. PGPD Det. Tidewell #3586 and Lyew #3112 was notified.

1938 hrs., Business Check/ Metro Points Hotel, all clear.

2025 hrs., Business Check/ Food Way International Food Market, all clear.

2028 hrs., Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

2105 hrs., Business Check/ Darcars Dodge, all clear.

2125 hrs., Premise Check/ Gavin St. & Quentin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

2229 hrs., Business Check/ CVS, all clear.


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