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Happy New Year Friends of New Carrollton Police Department

We hope your Holiday and New Year celebrations were safe and happy!

Daily Events

Jan 2

0557 Premise Check/ 52-5400 blk 85th Ave areas was clear, no suspicious activity

0602 Premise Check/ 5500 blk Karen Elaine Drive area was clear, no suspicious activity

0613 Premise Check/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Road area was clear, no suspicious activity

0630 Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Road area was clear, no suspicious activity

0815 Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Road business as usual

0938 Premise Check/ 7790 Riverdale Road area was clear, business as usual

1011 Residential Alarm/ 5805 Oland Drive accidental by vistor

1035 Disorderly/ 7321 Oakcrest Drive aunt found a young man in bed with her niece. Det. Robinson was notified and verified no crime had been committed. The young man was photographed, trespassed and sent on his way

1145 Premise Check/ Sara @ Gavin St area was clear, no suspicious activity

1206 Premise Check/ 5400 blk 85th Ave area was clear, no suspicious activity

1209 Accident/ 7790 Riverdale Road parties exchanged info

1356 Hit & Run/ 5305 85th Ave  complainant was provided case numbers for reference.

1425 Vandalism/ 5301 85th Ave unknown suspect damaged the passenger rear door 

1619 Premise Check/ 8484 Annapolis Road area was clear, no suspicious activity

1754 Check Welfare/ 8300 blk Carrollton Pkwy male was transported to hospital by EM

Jan 3

0817 Stolen Auto/ 7213 Good Luck Road unknown suspect stole the victims vehicle from the driveway

0945 Premise Check/ 7710 Riverdale Road area canvassed, no suspicious activity

1045 Premise Check/ 7300 Gavin St area canvassed, no suspicious activity

1057 Suspicious Auto/ 7319 Oakcrest Drive vehicle with no tags, but with valid registration was ticketed

1158 Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Road business as usual

1304 Burglary/ 8303 Stanwood Street suspect entered the vacant residence by shattering the window. Subsequently, he cut himself and bled throughout the residence. The suspect was from the check welfare. He was transported to PGH by EMS

1516 Disorderly/ 6118 85th Ave neighbor at 6120 85th Ave was harassing the residents about working on cars in his driveway. The neighbor at 6120 opened his window and began insulting his neighbor. The resident of 6118 was advised to seek another peace/protective order

1536 House Fire/ 7929 Legation Road assisted fire with traffic control

1643 ACRS/ 7301 Good Luck Road vehicle was struck by male on a dirt bike. The dirt bike fled in an unknown direction 

1646 Disorderly/ 6120 85th Ave called to complain about the same earlier issue. The resident of 6118 was advised again to get a peace/protective order

2000 hrs., Business Check/ Metro Points Hotel, all clear.

2047 hrs., Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

2134 hrs., Premise Check 5800 Blk Harland St, all clear.

2300 hrs., Residential Check/ 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Dr., citizen complaint of suspicious activity. An area check was conducted with nothing found.

Jan 4

0100 hrs., Residential Check/ 6400 Blk Jodie St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

0215 hrs., Residential Check/ 6400 Blk Inlet St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

0320 hrs., Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

0343 hrs., Premise Check/ 7300 Blk of Gavin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

0400 hrs., Business Check/ Darcars Dodge, all clear.

0500 hrs., Business Check/ Ihop, all clear.

0654 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annapolis Road/ All clear

0841 hrs Premise Check 5200-5400 block of 85th Avenue/ All clear

0915 hrs Stolen Auto 7777 Riverdale Road Caller reported her roommate used her vehicle and did not return it. A query revealed the vehicle was involved in an accident outside of New Carrollton and impounded for safekeeping/ Advised

1016 hrs Premise Check (Lowe's) 7710 Riverdale Road/ All clear

1111 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/ All clear

1200 hrs Missing Person (C.C.M.S.) 6130 Lamont Drive- Father reported his daughter missing from their residence in the 4900 block of 78th Avenue/ Handled by P.G.P.D.

1300 hrs 911 H/U 5314 85th Avenue - Caller attempted to request an ambulance/ Handled by P.G.F.D.

1304 hrs Station Call (Property Damage) 6112 86th Avenue- Caller reported damage to their vehicle by unknown means on New Years Day/ CCN 

1330 hrs Premise Check Plaza 30/ All clear

1359 hrs Armed Subject Annapolis Road and 495- Caller reported subject threatened to shoot him/ Area canvassed and nothing found (caller left before officers arrival and failed to cooperate with call taker)

1617 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annapolis Road/ All clear


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