0823 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0829 Hours- Death Report- 6100 Block of Lamont Dr: Officers responded to the listed location for a death report. Homicide, along with the medical examiner, was contacted. Report Generated
0934 Hours- Unknown Trouble- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for an unknown trouble. Police communications advised of a female screaming for help. No apartment number was provided. Officers canvassed the build and attempted several callbacks with negative results.
No Report
1149 Hours- Theft From Auto- 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a theft from the auto. Officers made contact with the victim, who stated after placing her purse into her vehicle, a black sedan pulled up, shattered her glass, and stole her purse. The vehicle then drove off, making good on its escape. Report Generated
1243 Hours- Disorderly- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a disorderly male. Upon arrival, officers contacted the manager, who stated that a male subject was acting out and refused to leave. The male subject was GOA before the officer's arrival.
No Report
1323 Hours- Suspicious Person- 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers observed a male subject matching the description of the male subject from the previous call panhandling. The male subject was stopped and identified, and a warrant check yielded negative results. He was advised and sent on his way.
Report Generated
1434 Hours- Premise Check- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
1503 Hours- Premise Check- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
1629 Hours- Traffic Stop- 6100 Block of Laomont Dr: Officers observed a traffic violation and conducted a traffic stop. The driver was issued the appropriate citations.
1635 Hours- Parking Complaint- 8400 Block of Longfellow St: Officers responded to the listed location for a vehicle parked for several weeks. A registration check revealed the vehicle was unregistered, with a pickup order on the tags. The vehicle was ticketed and impounded. The registration plates were removed and placed in the NCPD property.
Report Generated
1830 Hours- Premise Check- 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found.
1842 Hours- Assist County Pd- 7700 Block of Harkins Rd: Officers assisted county PD with a welfare check with a sig 100 female. The female was advised and SOW.
1946 Hours- Assist County Pd- Annapolis Rd @ Riverdale Rd: Officers assisted county officers with a traffic pursuit that ended at Annapolis Rd @ Riverdale Rd.
2015 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- Westbrook Dr @ Madison St: Officers conducted traffic enforcement in the area and stopped a vehicle for a moving violation. The driver was cited.
2147 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- 7900 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers conducted traffic enforcement in the area and stopped a vehicle for a moving violation. The driver was cited.
2204 Hours- UUV- Officers responded for unauthorized use of a vehicle. The caller reported that her husband, who lives with her, took her van and left without telling her where he was going. The caller was advised.
2248 Hours- Assist County Pd- 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers assisted County PD during a traffic stop with a PC search.
0034 Hours- Sig 5 Impound- 6400 Block of Fairbanks St: Officers impounded a vehicle for being unregistered. Report Generated
0150 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers Checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found
0320 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers Checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found
0450 Hours- Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers Checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found
0545 Hours- Premise Check- 8300-8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found.
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