0635 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found.
0820 Hours-Theft from Auto- 5700 Block of 84th Ave: Officers responded out and completed a theft report.
0836 Hours- Res Alarm- 6500 Block of Inlet St: Officers responded to an alarm. Accidental by the homeowner.
0927 Hours- Notify- 8300 Block of Quentin St: Officers responded at the request of another jurisdiction to have the owner of a vehicle verify where it was supposed to be. All parties were advised.
1119 Hours- Trespassing Arrest- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers stopped a subject who was already barred from the property and arrested the subject.
1151Hours- Disorderly- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers responded to a subject collecting receipts in the parking lot. The suspect was GOA.
1211 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found.
1353 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found.
1422 Hours- Premise check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found.
1649Hours- Sig 9- 8300 Block of Donoghue Dr: Officers responded to an accident. Officers were unable to verify an accident occurred.
1530 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity. Nothing found.
1810 Hours- Loud Music Complaint- 6500 Block of Quentin Ct: Officers responded to the listed location for loud music. Officers met with the homeowner and advised them of the music ordinance. The music was turned down. No Report
1835 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities, none of which were observed. No Report
1900 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities, none of which were observed. No Report
1923 Hours – Suspicious Auto- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded to the listed location for a suspicious auto. Officers contacted the caller, who stated that a FedEx truck was blocking her. The delivery driver delivered the package and moved the truck.
No Report
2049 Hours- Disorderly- 8500 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers responded to the listed location for disorderly. Officers contacted the male subject, who caused a disturbance in the lobby. The male subject was escorted out of the location and sent on his way. No Report
2115 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities, none of which were observed. No Report
2157 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- 7700 Block of Riverdale Road: Officers observed a traffic violation and conducted a traffic stop. The driver was issued the appropriate citations and impounded.
2305Hours-Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities, none of which were observed. No Report
2313 Hours- Loud Music Complaint- 6100 Block of Princess Garden Pkwy: Officers responded to the listed location for loud music. Officers met with the homeowner and advised them of the music ordinance. The music was turned down. No Report
2253 Hours – Residential Alarm 5900 Block of 87th Ave. Officers responded to the listed location for a residential alarm. Once on scene officers checked all doors of the location, all doors were locked and secure, unknown reason for activation. No Report
2305 Hours-Premise Check 8300 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities, none of which were observed. No Report
0032 Hours- Disorderly 7600 Block of Riverdale Road. Officers responded to the listed location for disorderly. Officers contacted the resident, who was loud in the hallway near their unit. The resident was advised. No Report
2305 Hours- DWI Driver- Westbrook Drive/Lamont Drive: Officers responded to the listed location for a DWI Driver. Officers canvassed the area and found nothing. No Report
0220 Hours - Unknown Trouble- 6000 Block of Westbrook Drive: Officers responded to the listed location for an unknown trouble. Officers canvassed the area and found nothing. No Report
0324 Hours- - Commercial Alarm- 8400 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers responded to the listed location for a residential alarm. Officers checked all doors of the location; all doors were locked and secure, with an unknown reason for activation. No Report
0330 Hours- Accident- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded to the listed location for an accident. Officers observed a vehicle in the bushes and hit the power line for the area, causing the power to go out. The driver refused medical treatment on the scene. The vehicle made it out and back into the parking lot. Pepco was notified and arrived on the scene to repair the line.
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