0646 Hours -Traffic Stop- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers observed a vehicle with an invalid registration. The vehicle registration was suspended. The appropriate citations were issued and the vehicle was impounded.
0743 Hours -Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Area checked clear.
1009 Hours- 911 disconnect- 8600 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area with negative results.
1100 Hours- Theft-7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: The caller advised that a female came into the T/A and drank without paying for it. A bar notice was issued to the individual.
1138 Hours- Break and Entering- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: The caller advised there was no forced entry. However, her blinds were open. Officers checked the area and advised the caller.
1144 Hours- Noise Complaint- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: The caller advised of loud noise in the area. Officers checked the area with negative results.
1220 Hours- Missing Person- 8500 Block of Carrollton Pkwy: The caller advised he dropped his daughter off at a party yesterday and she did not return home. The caller was not at the location when officers arrived. There was no answer to the call back by dispatch.
1300 Hours- Premise Check- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: The area checked clear.
1400 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: The area checked clear.
1500 Hours- Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: The area checked clear.
1600 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: The area checked clear.
1621 Hours -Family Dispute- 8300 Block of Fremont Pl: The caller advised there was a dispute over money, and her father assaulted her. The father also claimed to have been assaulted. However, there was no sign of injury to either party. They were both advised and the father elected to leave for a while.
1700 Hours- Premise Check- 5400 Block of block 85th Ave: The area checked clear.
1925 Hours- Disorderly- 8300 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to a subject sleeping in the TA. The subject was advised and SOW.
1943 Hours- Trespassing- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers arrested a subject for violating a bar notice.
2100 Hours- Premise Check – 77-7800 Block of Riverdale Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2245 Hours- Premise Check – 8400 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0032 Hours- Unknown Trouble- 7500 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers responded to unknown trouble. The sig 4 was GOA.
0129 Hours- Sig 7- 5400 Block of 85Th Ave: Officers responded and checked the area for a subject that knocked on the Sig 4's window.
0244 Hours- Premise Check – 7700 Block of Riverdale Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0450 Hours- Premise Check – 8400 Block of Annapolis Road: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
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