0618 Hours -Vandalism- 7600 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for vandalism to a vehicle. Officers obtained all information from the owner.
Report Generated
0751 Hours -Theft- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a theft. Officers spoke with the caller, who stated a female subject in the store looked suspicious and may have stolen merchandise. The female subject was GOA, and the theft couldn't be verified. No Report
0847 Hours -Accident- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a two-vehicle accident. Upon arrival, officers canvassed the area for the accident with negative results. Unfortunately, attempts to contact the caller were also unsuccessful. No Report
1056 Hours -Theft- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a theft. Upon arrival, officers stopped and arrested a male subject who had stolen merchandise from the T/A. The defendant was transported to the Department of Corrections for presentation of charges. Report Generated
1322 Hours -Hit & Run- 8600 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a hit-and-run accident. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the caller, who stated they had been rear-ended by another vehicle that fled the scene. No injuries were reported while on the scene. Report Generated
1519 Hours -Traffic Detail- 6100 Block of Lamont Dr: Officers responded to the listed location for a traffic detail assisting with traffic control for school dismissal.No Report
1522 Hours -Welfare Check 7600 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers responded to the listed location to check on the welfare of the resident at the location. Officers knocked on the door and were able to hear music and movement inside, but there was no answer at the door.No Report
1530 Hours -Alarm- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for an alarm. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the store manager, who stated the alarm was accidental. No Report
1608 Hours -Theft- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to the listed location for a theft. Officers spoke with a male subject who had store merchandise and theft tools in his possession. The male subject was detained, issued a Criminal Citation, and barred from the store.
Report Generated
1817 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
1819 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, and officers observed a subject loitering.
1820 Hours- Sig 7- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers stopped a suspicious person for loitering in the area. The subject was advised and SOW.
1823 Hours- Sig 9 - 85th Ave @ Annapolis Rd: Officers assisted with an information exchange.
1856 Hours- Sig 9 – 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded for a Sig 9. Officers checked the area; nothing was found.
1926 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
1954 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2003 Hours- Disorderly- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to an unwanted guest in the lobby. The subject was removed from the property.
2225 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2227 Hours- Vandalism- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded out and took a report for a broken vehicle window. Report Generated
2346 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- Annapolis Rd @ Riverdale Rd: Officers stopped and cited vehicles committing moving violations
0009 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- 7700 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers stopped and cited vehicles committing moving violations
0035 Hours- Premise Check- 8500 Block of Legation Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0050 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- 85th Ave @ Legation Rd: Officers stopped and cited vehicles committing moving violations
0240 Hours- Sig 5- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers impounded an unregistered vehicle for blocking the roadway.
1817 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
1819 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, and officers observed a subject loitering.
1820 Hours- Sig 7- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers stopped a suspicious person for loitering in the area. The subject was advised and SOW.
1823 Hours- Sig 9 - 85th Ave @ Annapolis Rd: Officers assisted with an information exchange.
1856 Hours- Sig 9 – 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded for a Sig 9. Officers checked the area; nothing was found.
1926 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
1954 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2003 Hours- Disorderly- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to an unwanted guest in the lobby. The subject was removed from the property.
2225 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
2227 Hours- Vandalism- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded out and took a report for a broken vehicle window. Report Generated
2346 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- Annapolis Rd @ Riverdale Rd: Officers stopped and cited vehicles committing moving violations
0009 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- 7700 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers stopped and cited vehicles committing moving violations
0035 Hours- Premise Check- 8500 Block of Legation Rd: Officers checked the area for suspicious activity, but nothing was found.
0050 Hours- Traffic Enforcement- 85th Ave @ Legation Rd: Officers stopped and cited vehicles committing moving violations
0240 Hours- Sig 5- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Officers impounded an unregistered vehicle for blocking the roadway.
Report Generated
0432 Hours- Sig 7- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers observed subjects in the parking lot arguing. Officers separated the subjects, and they were SOW without incident.
0432 Hours- Sig 7- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers observed subjects in the parking lot arguing. Officers separated the subjects, and they were SOW without incident.
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