1800 Hours- Missing- 5300 Block of 85th Ave: The caller advised his father hasn't returned home since Sunday. Officers responded to the location; the caller was able to locate his father in DC. No report
1823 Hours- Domestic- 5900 Block of 89th Pl: The caller advised her husband is leaving the residence without paying back the money that he owed. Officers responded to the location; both parties were advised. No report
1827 Hours- Theft From Auto- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: The caller advised his rims were stolen. Officers responded to the location; the caller only wanted the reference number. No report
2000 Hours- Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Checked clear
2200 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Checked Clear
2300 Hours- Premise Check- 8100 Block of Annapolis Rd: Checked Clear
0100 Hours- Premise Check- 5200- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Checked clear
0242 Hours- Commercial Alarm- 8500 Annapolis Rd: Dispatch advised of an alarm from this location. All the exterior doors and windows were secured, no signs of forced entry. No report
0200 Hours- Premise Check- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: Checked clear
0300 Hours- Premise Check- Lamont Dr / Riverdale Rd: Checked clear
0400 Hours- Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Checked Clear
0500 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Checked Clear
1823 Hours- Domestic- 5900 Block of 89th Pl: The caller advised her husband is leaving the residence without paying back the money that he owed. Officers responded to the location; both parties were advised. No report
1827 Hours- Theft From Auto- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: The caller advised his rims were stolen. Officers responded to the location; the caller only wanted the reference number. No report
2000 Hours- Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Checked clear
2200 Hours- Premise Check- 8200 Block of Annapolis Rd: Checked Clear
2300 Hours- Premise Check- 8100 Block of Annapolis Rd: Checked Clear
0100 Hours- Premise Check- 5200- 5400 Block of 85th Ave: Checked clear
0242 Hours- Commercial Alarm- 8500 Annapolis Rd: Dispatch advised of an alarm from this location. All the exterior doors and windows were secured, no signs of forced entry. No report
0200 Hours- Premise Check- 8500 Block of Annapolis Rd: Checked clear
0300 Hours- Premise Check- Lamont Dr / Riverdale Rd: Checked clear
0400 Hours- Premise Check- 7700 Block of Riverdale Rd: Checked Clear
0500 Hours- Premise Check- 8400 Block of Annapolis Rd: Checked Clear
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