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Columbus Day Monday!

Happy Columbus Day!

Hope everyone is enjoying the day if you are off today!

Here are the Daily Events from 10/7-10/11

Oct 7, 2015

0636 HOURS- Business Check- 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd./Lowes- all clear

0735 HOURS- School check -Carrollton Elementary- All Clear.

0745 HOURS- School Check- Lamont Elementary- All Clear.

0800 HOURS- School Check- Charles Carroll- All Clear.

0810 HOURS- Business Check- 7-Eleven- All Clear

0932 HOURS- Mandatory Premise Check- 5400 Blk 85th Ave.- Complaints of males loitering, trespassing, smoking C.D.S. and drikning alcohol. Area was canvased, no violations were observed.

1000 HOURS- Domestic dispute- 6400 Blk Inlet St.- Dispute between room mates over unpaid rent. Caller was referred to landlord/tennant for resolution.

1040 HOURS- Mandatory Premise Check- Carrollton Pkwy @ Farmcrest Dr.-Reports of suspicious persons smoking C.D.S. in the area, The area was canvased, No suspicious or illegal activity observed.

1103 HOURS- Business Check- 8400 Blk Annapolis Rd/t-Mobile- All clear.

1140 HOURS- Welfare Check- 7400 Block of Riverdale Rd.- Citizen complaint of a male passed out at the metro bus stop. Officers responded, observed the male asleep at the bust stop. The male was identified, Checked negative for warrants, Searched, Photographed, Issued a civil citation for possession of Marijuana and sent on his way.

1242 HOURS- Premise Check- 8400 Blk Annapolis Rd.- All clear.

1246 HOURS- CDS Arrest- Plaza 30- Officers observed a suspicious male loitering behind a dumpster at the foreman mills. The male was stopped, identified, checked negative for open warrants and photographed. A search of the male yielded a small amount of marijuana and a digital scale. The male was issued a civil citation for possesion of marijuana , and a criminal citation for paraphernalia then sent on his way.

1320 HOURS- Residential alarm- 5700 Blk 85th Ave.- Alarm activation from a foyer motion detector. Officers arrived on scene, Met the homeowner, Who stated that she left her dog unsecured in the residence and the dog set off the alarm.

1403 HOURS- Business check- 8300 Annapolis Rd.- All Clear.

1415 HOURS- Business Check- 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd.- All clear.

1455 HOURS- Mandatory Premise Check- 5400 Blk 85th Ave.- Complaints of males loitering, trespassing, smoking C.D.S. and drinking alcohol. Area was canvased, no violations were observed.

1513 HOURS- Mandatory Premise Check- Carrollton Pkwy @ Farmcrest Dr.-Reports of suspicious persons smoking C.D.S. in the area. The area was canvased, no suspicios or illegal activity observed.

1551 HOURS- Neighbor Dispute- 6100 Blk 85th Ave.-Neighbors arguing over parking on the street in front of their residence. Both parties were met and advised that the street is the property of the city and anyone can park a vehicle on the street in any location not designated as no parking areas. Both parties resolved the dispute and were advised.

1645 HOURS- Premise Check- 7500 Good Luck RD.- All Clear.

1655 HOURS- Accident- 7600 Annapolis Rd.- Unit #1 struck Unit #2 causing damage to both vehicles. Both drivers refused medical treatment on scene and both vehicles were driven from scene. An exchange of information was facilitated.

1725 HOURS- Fraud- 5900 Blk 89th PL.- Caller wanted to report a suspicious transaction he was involved in over gym equipment. The caller was unable to provide proof of a fraud and had already contacted his bank to curtail any fees associated with the transaction the caller was advised.

1902 hrs Disorderly (Station Call) Adrian Street-Caller reported dirt bike in the city/Area canvassed with nothing found

1950 hrs Missing Person-Caller reported her child (5 y.o. missing)/Child was with father at Childrens Hospital

1955 hrs Premise Check 7710 Riverdale Road/All clear

1958 hrs Premise Check 5200-5400 block of 85th Avenue/All clear

2013 hrs Criminal Summons 5800 Blk Mentana Street-Subject issued aforementioned paperwork for court/All clear

2036 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annapolis Road/All clear

2103 hrs Disorderly 8300 Blk Oliver Street-Caller reported ex-boyfriend called and may be sitting outside her residence/Area canvassed with negative results; and caller advised how to seek assistance from Commissioners Officer

2152 hrs Premise Check 8464 Annapolis Road/All clear

2200 hrs Domestic 5300 Blk 85th Avenue-Caller reported child custody dispute/Settled by court documents

2251 hrs Premise Check 7700-7800 block of Riverdale Road/All clear

2320 hrs Premise Check 7790 Riverdale Road/All clear

Oct 8, 2015

0036 hrs 5200-5400 block of 85th Avenue/All clear

0058 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/All clear

0111 hrs Premise Check Farmcrest Drive & Carrollton Parkway/All clear

0223 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/All clear

0420 hrs Premise Check 5200-5400 block of 85th Avenue/All clear

0431 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annapolis Road/All clear

0448 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/All clear

0644 hrs. Accident/ 7600 Blk Good Luck Road, unit-1 loss control of vehicle and struck a utiliy pole. There were no reported injuries however the vehicle was disabled and towed.

0801 hrs. Residential Alarm/ 7600 Blk Fontainebleau Dr., all windows and doors were locked. Unknown cause.

0945 hrs. Business Check/ Plaza 30 Shopping Ctr., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

1006 hrs. Theft/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd. Complainant of a fraud scam. No theft.

1050 hrs. Business Check/ Darcars Dodge, all clear.

1054 hrs. Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

1158 hrs. Business Check/ 7-Eleven, all clear.

1306 hrs. Business Check/ Plaza 30 Shopping Ctr., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

1350 hrs. Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

1401 hrs. Premise Check/ Carrollton Pkwy & Farmcrest Dr., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

1414 hrs. School Check/ Margaret Brent Special Needs, all clear.

1438 hrs. School Check/ Carrollton Elementary School, all clear.

1455 hrs. School Check/ Robert Frost Elementary, all clear.

1501 hrs. Quentin St & Gavin St., citizen complaints of suspicious activity in the area. Neighborhood canvass was conducted with nothing found.

1502 hrs. Disorderly/ 7-Eleven, subject loitering in front of the T/A. He was stopped, identified, warrant check negative, advised then released.

1600 hrs. Business Check/ T-Mobile, all clear.

1629 hrs. Business Check/ New Carrollton Shopping Ctr., all clear.

1734 hrs Disorderly 8400 Blk Annapolis Road-Caller reported dispute with store over furniture/Civil issue, advised how seek assistance from Commissioners Office

1850 hrs Disorderly 7300 Good Luck Road-Caller reported subjects smoking marijuana

2040 hrs Premise Check 5200-5400 85th Avenue/All clear

2108 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annapolis Road/All clear

2115 hrs EPS 8400 Blk Annapolis Road-Subject who acted with extreme erratic behavior was transported to P.G.H. for evaluation

Oct 9, 2015

0057 hrs Occupied Vehicle 8502 Legation Road-Caller reported subjects in vehicle/CCN #15-282-0099

0140 hrs Premise Check 5401 85th Avenue/All clear

0209 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/All clear

0223 hrs Premise Check 7700-7800 Riverdale Road/All clear

0352 hrs Premise Check 5400-5300 block of 85th Avenue/All clear

0404 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/All clear

Oct 10, 2015

1827 hrs Unknown Trbl/ 5400 85th Ave./ Complainant said there was a lot of arguing going on at the loi and sounded violent./ Officers responded and determined the residents were having a spirited family debate and advised them to use their inside voices.

1932 hrs Susp. Veh/ 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Dr./ Complainant said there was a subject sitting in a vehicle for several hours./ Before officers could respond the caller canceled the request.

1949 hrs CDS Complaint/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ Complainant said there were four subjects inside the laundry room smoking cds./ Officers responded and the subjects were GOA.

1952 hrs Domestic/ 5300 Blk 85th Ave./ Complainant said she was having issues with her childs father./ Officers responded and determined no domestic had occurred, but there was a child custody issue. Both parties were advised.

2012 hrs Disorderly/ 5320 85th Ave./ Complainant said there was loud music coming from the loi/ Officers responded and spoke with the residents and advised them to turn the music down.

2043 hrs Loud Music/ 5300 Blk 85th Ave./ Complainant said there was loud music coming from the loi/ Officers responded and spoke with the residents and advised them to turn the music off.

2120 hrs Party/ 7500 Blk Riverdale Rd./ Complainant said there was a loud party taking place at the loi./ Officers responded and the party had already begun dispersing prior to our arrival.

2138 hrs Assist PGPD/ Cipriano Rd. & Annapolis Rd./ Officer on patrol observed a serious vehicle accident involving injury./ Officers provided assistance until PGPD units arrived on scene. No further services were needed.

2148 hrs Missing/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ Complainant said their 8 year old son was not on the playground were he was supposed to be./ Officers responded and began the missing persons report process and the child returned home.

2315 hrs Loud Music/ 6200 Blk 86th Ave./ Complainant said there was loud music coming from the loi/ Officers responded and spoke with the residents and advised them to turn the music down.

2321 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

Oct 11, 2015

0700 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave/ All Clear.

0734 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

0920 hrs Premise Check/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd/ All Clear.

0950 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1050 hrs Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1129 hrs Premise Check/ Lamont Dr @ Carrollton Pkwy/ All Clear.

1130 hrs Check Welfare/ 6400 Blk Inlet St/ Caller stated that she was raped in the past. Officers were at the same house days prior for landlord dispute. Caller first stated she had cancer and then stated she had kidney problems. The friend advised that she was off her meds and her caretaker will be notified.

1134 hrs Stolen Scooter Arrest/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave/ Officers were in patrol and observed a scooter without tags and ignition broken. A subject came back to the scooter and took ownership, the scooter was stolen out of Greenbelt. Subject was arrested and the scooter was towed.

1235 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave/ All Clear

1251 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1305 hrs Premise Check/ Carrollton Elem/ All Clear.

1420 hrs Premise Check/ 77-7800 Blk Riverdale Rd/ All Clear.

1440 hrs Premise Check/ 8300 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1500 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1640 hrs Premise Check/ Oakcrest Dr @ Harland St/ All Clear.

1710 hrs Property Damage/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd/ Caller vehicle was damaged by unknown means. 

1730 hrs Premise Check/ 8461 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1804 hrs Susp. Person/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ Complainant said someone was knocking on his door./ Officers responded and determined the complainant was mentally unstable.

1832 hrs Veh. Accident/ Annapolis Rd. & 85th Ave./ Officers responded for a two vehicle accident./ Officers facilitated the exchange of information between drivers.

1932 hrs Susp. Person/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ Complainant said someone was knocking on his door./ Officers did not make contact with the complainant again, but conducted a canvass of the area with negative results.

1935 hrs Premise Check/ 8445 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

2022 hrs Armed Person/ 7600 Blk Riverdale Rd./ Complainant said juveniles armed with rocks had damaged his vehicle./ Officers responded and took a report.

2049 hrs 911 Hangup/ 5300 Blk 85th Ave./ Officers responded to the loi for a 911 hangup./ Officers had knowledge that the office was closed and they are having issues with the phone line./ A premise check did not reveal any issues.

2103 hrs Assist PGPD/ 7930 Annapolis Rd./ Officers responded to assist PGPD with a fight at the location./ Officers responded and the subjects were GOA.

2133 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Carrollton pkwy./ All Clear.

2328 hrs Welfare Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ Complainant said there was a subject sleeping in the stairwell./ Officers responded, stopped and identified the subject, who was advised and sent on his way without further incident.

2348 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

Have a wonderful day!
-Chief Rice


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