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October is around the corner!

October 5-9 Drive Safely Work Week!

Maryland has a clear, unified mission when it comes to traffic crashes – to move the state Toward Zero Deaths. There have been many strides made toward achieving this goal, but there have also been challenges that need to be faced in order to continue making progress. Traffic crashes are tragic, preventable occurrences and making the public realize this fact, in effect stigmatizing traffic crashes in the same manner as crime, is the only way to elevate the importance of traffic safety in the public eye.

Employers play a critical role in reaching out to the public, through educating employees and setting internal policies for things like seat belt use and preventing distracted or aggressive driving. Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) is an annual workplace safety campaign, providing ways to remind employees about safe driving practices. The DSWW campaign has been sponsored by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) since 1996.

As a partner in Maryland’s traffic safety community, we ask that you use the resources included in the 2015 DSWW toolkit to help keep you and your employees safe on our roadways. You may access the resources through this link - Although the observance of the campaign takes place each year during the first full week of October, the materials are not dated and can be used throughout the year for continued promotion of safe driving practices.

Thank you for your time and consideration and please contact the Maryland Highway Safety Office at 410-787-4050 with any questions.

Event Details from 9/24-9/27

0722 hrs. School Check/ Carrollton Elementary, all clear. 

0753 hrs. School Check/ Charles Carroll Middle School, all clear.

0826 hrs. Residential Alarm/ 8100 Quentin St., accidental by the construction crew.

0835 hrs Recovered Stolen Auto/ 6100 Blk Lamont Dr., officers patrolling the area observed a suspicious unoccupied auto which turn out to be stolen. NCIC notified and the vehicle was removed.

1016 hrs. Business Check/ 7-Eleven, all clear.

1128 hrs. School Check/ Robert Frost Elementary, all clear.

1204 hrs. Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found. 

1217 hrs. Business Check/ Plaza 30 Shopping Ctr., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

1240 hrs. Premise Check/ Carrollton Pkwy & Farmcrest Dr., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found. 

1300 hrs. Business Check/ Plaza 30 Shopping Ctr., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found.

1320 hrs. Business Check/ Shoppers, all clear.

1321 hrs. Residential Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., citizen complaints of suspicious activity at the location. A foot patrol was conducted with nothing found. 

1410 hrs. Theft from auto/ 5300 Blk 85th Av., Cambridge Crossing Apts., the suspect stole the rear license plate from the victim's vehicle. NCIC notified and the plate was entered.

1433 hrs. Customer Dispute/ 8400 Blk Annapolis Rd., the customer complained of a scam. He was referred to civil court. 

1621 hrs. Vandalism to auto/ 7600 Fontainebleau Dr., the suspect punctured the gas tank of the victim's vehicle.

1645 hrs. Unknown Trouble/ 5300 Blk 85th Av., upon arrival, we could not locate the complainant.

1720 hrs. 911 Hang up/ 5300 85th Av., upon arrival, we could not locate the complainant.

1721 hrs. Domestic/ 5400 85th Av., upon arrival, we could not locate the complainant.

1739 hrs. Hit & Run/ 5400 Blk 85th Av., officers flagged down regarding a accident that occurred on the Capitol Beltway. Officers located and detained the suspect. MSP was notified and responded to handle the incident.


1831 hrs Fraud 7400 Blk Leahy Road-Caller reported unknown suspect attempted to obtain money via phone/No money obtained, advised

1907 hrs Assist P.G.P.D. with subject stopped 7400 block of Annapolis Road/All clear

1936 hrs Disorderly 5300  Blk 85th Avenue-REPEAT caller reported being engaged in physical altercation with acquaintance/(no signs of injury)Refused medical treatment and advised how to seek assistance through the District Court Commissioner's Office

2018 hrs Vehicle Release 6016 Princess Garden Parkway/Assisted

2022 hrs Premise Check 5400 85th Avenue/All clear

2041 hrs Subject stopped 8400 Blk Annapolis Road-Subject stopped in reference to loitering and panhandling in front of the store

2149 hrs Armed Robbery 5200 Blk 85th Avenue #204-Caller reported being robbed at gun point just outside of New Carrollton City/N.C.P.D. units assisted with perimeter and yielded report and investigation to P.G.P.D.

2205 hrs Subject Stopped 85th Avenue & Ellin Road-Subject stopped who matched description of aforementioned Robbery

0026 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/All clear

0113 hrs Premise Check 5400 Blk 85th Avenue/All clear

0136 hrs Premise Check Farmcrest Drive and Carrollton Parkway/All clear

0245 hrs Domestic 5200 Blk 85th Avenue #102-Caller dialed 911 while having dispute with boyfriend/No Assault took place and did not need any assistance

0250 hrs Unknown Trouble 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Drive #830-Uncooperative intoxicated caller requested medical assistance from possible assault/Caller refused emergency services 

0339 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/All clear

0420 hrs Premise Check 8461 Annpolis Road/All clear

0447 hrs Premise Check 8100 Annapolis Road/All clear  

0837 hrs Premise Check 8309 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

0923 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave/ All Clear.

1018 hrs Landlord Tenant Dispute/ NCPD/ Sig. was giving legal advice on the eviction process.

1042 hrs Suspcious Person/ 8400 Blk Annapolis Rd/ Officers observed a subject panhandling at the loi. Subject was stopped,checked for warrants and SOW.

1154 hrs Premise Check/ 5500 Karen Elaine Dr/ All Clear.

1301 hrs Mps/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd/ Officer was flagged down in reference money missing from a found wallet. Officer was advised that an unknown female picked up the wallet and turned in the wallet to the T/A. The caller left prior to the officer getting her horsepower. Officers then located the female who turned in the wallet and the missing money was turned in and logged into property. 

1430 hrs Premise Check 7790 Riverdale Rd/ All Clear.

1449 hrs Accident/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ Info exchanged prior to officer arrival.

1627 hrs Disorderly/ 7600 Fontianebleau Dr/ Kids were just playing football in the parking lot.

1700 hrs Premise Check/ 8300 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1713 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave/ All Clear.

1732 hrs Premise Check/ 8400 Blk Annapolis Rd/ All Clear

1747 hrs Check Area/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd/ Caller stated males looking into vehicles, area was checked with negative results.


1806 hrs Premise Check/ 7400 Blk Riverdale Rd. (NC Library)/ All Clear.

1835 hrs Premise Check/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd./ All Clear.

1841 hrs Premise Check/ 7710 Riverdale Rd./ All Clear.

2007 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

2022 hrs Premise Check/ 5456 85th Ave./ All Clear.

2028 hrs Traffic Complaint/ lamont Dr. & Carrollton Pkwy./ Complainant said there was a reckless driver in the area./ Officers responded, canvassed the area with negative results.

2105 hrs Assist BCPD/ 5300 Blk 85th Ave./ Officers were requested to assist Bowie City Police with locating a critical missing person./ Officers canvassed the area with negative results.

2144 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

2145 hrs Premise Check/ 6130 Lamont Dr./ All Clear.

2229 hrs Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

2251 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

2321 hrs Susp. Veh./ 8500 Blk Legations Rd./ Officers on patrol observed a suspicious occupied vehicle in a closed park area./ The subjects were stopped, identified and subsequently sent on their way. 

2356 hrs 911 Hangup/ 5300 Blk 85th Ave./ Officers responded for a 911 hangup in the area./ Officers canvassed the area with negative results.

0003 hrs Phone Threats/ 8300 Blk Carrollton Parkway/ Complainant said an unknown person was making threats through a phone app./ Officers responded and advised the complainant.

0045 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0129 hrs Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0210 hrs Theft/ 5800 Blk Nystrom St./ Complainant said someone stole her phone./ Officers responded and the complainant said she phone the stolen phone and no longer needed police assistance.

0314 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0314 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

0402 hrs Premise Check/ Gavin St.& Sara St./ All Clear.

0429 hrs Premise Check/ 8309 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0430 hrs Premise Check/ 8461 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0445 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

0639 hrs 5306 85th Ave/ Unknown Trouble/ Officers canvass the area with negative results.

0739 hrs 5306 85th Ave/ Stolen Vehicle/ Victim vehicle was stolen, vehicle entered into NCIC.

0807 hrs Domestic/ 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Dr/ Caller wanted officers to serve a protective order on his wife. She was given a copy, advised and a copy faxed to the sheriff dept. 

0902 hrs Domestic/ 5300 Blk 85th Ave/ Caller wanted officers to checked the area for his ex-girlfriend because she kept banging on the door. The female was GOA.

0928 hrs Tow Dispute/ 5500 Blk Karen Elaine Dr/ Caller was advised on this was a civil matter and to contact her rental property.

1255 hrs Accident/ Annapolis Rd @ Beltway/ Handled by D-Sector

1306 hrs Accident/ 7900 Blk Annapolis Rd/ Victim vehicle was struck and the driver fled the scene. 

1323 hrs Vehicle release/ NCPD/ Vehicle was towed by PG County, female advised.

1400 hrs Residential Alarm/ 8400 Blk Ravenswood Rd/ Unknown reason for activation all doors, windows were secured and alarm was still going off.

1539 hrs Disorderly/ Annapolis Rd/ @ 85th Ave/ Caller was driving behind another vehicle and some debris hit her vehicle and shattered a window. Case numbers given for reference.

1605 hrs Disorderly/ 5700 Blk 83rd Pl/ Caller stated their neighbor was speeding thru the area, both parties were advised.

1649 hrs Disorderly/ 8400 Blk Annapolis Rd/ Male was panhandling in front of the T/A, he was stopped and advised not to panhandle.

1716 hrs Lock Out/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd/ Female was locked inside of her apartment, maintenance was notified and the female wasn't in need of medical attention.

1834 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

1841 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

1901 hrs Domestic/ 6100 Blk 87th Ave./ Complainant said he was having a dispute with his child's mother./ Officers responded and determined that a child custody issue was occurring. Both parties were advised and the matter was resolved temporarily.

2022 hrs Premise Check/ 6130 Lamont Dr./ All Clear.

2031 hrs Sound of Shots/ 6500 Blk Quentin Ct./ Complainant said they heard gun shots./ Officers responded to the area and determined fireworks was the reason and no shots were actually fired.

2051 hrs Loud Noise/ 5314 85th Ave./ Complainant said her neighbors were making a lot of noise./ Officers responded, spoke to the problem residents and advised them.

2107 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

2112 hrs Assault/ 7600 Blk Fountainbleau Dr./ Complainant said her mother assaulted her several days prior./ Officers responded and determined the complainant was a juvenile with a lengthy history of runaways. The juvenile was returned home and the mother was advised.

2147 hrs Theft from Auto/ 8400 Blk Annapolis Rd. / Complainant said someone went into his unsecured vehicle and stole $5,000 cash./ Officers responded and took a report.

2307 hrs Disorderly/ 8500 Annapolis Rd./ Complainant said there were guest who need to be escorted from the premises./ Officers responded and removed guest at the request of management.

0106 hrs Domestic/ 6400 Blk Fairborn Terrace/ Complainant said he was having a domestic with his girlfriend./ Officers responded and determined the incident took place outside the city, but advised the complainant to seek the assistance of the district court commissioners office and provided case numbers for reference.

0142 hrs Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0226 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0236 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

0320 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Blk Carrollton Pkwy./ All Clear.

0440 hrs Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.


0700 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave/ All Clear.

0734 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

0920 hrs Premise Check/ 7700 Blk Riverdale Rd/ All Clear.

0950 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1050 hrs Premise Check/ 8500 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1129 hrs Premise Check/ Lamont Dr @ Carrollton Pkwy/ All Clear.

1235 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave/ All Clear

1251 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1305 hrs Premise Check/ Carrollton Elem/ All Clear.

1335 hrs Filed Obs/ Officers observed a subject panhandling in front of the T/A. Officers stopped 
the subject yesterday for the same incident. The subject was cited and banned from the property by the store manager.

1420 hrs Premise Check/ 77-7800 Blk Riverdale Rd/ All Clear.

1440 hrs Premise Check/ 8300 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1500 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear.

1640 hrs Premise Check/ Oakcrest Dr @ Harland St/ All Clear.

1730 hrs Premise Check/ 8461 Annapolis Rd/ All Clear

1804 hrs Assist Motorist/ 85th Ave. & Annapolis Rd./ Officers assisted a motorist while his vehicle was broken down in the roadway./ No further services were needed.

1822 hrs Assist PGPD/ New Carrollton Metro/ Officers responded to the loi to assist PGPD with a armed suspicious person, attempting to rob citizens. /Officers arrived, canvassed the area and the subject was GOA.

1835 hrs Premise Check/ 8445 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

1836 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

1851 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Carrollton Pkwy./ All Clear.

1857 hrs Disorderly/ 8300 Blk Oglethorpe St./ Complainant said her juvenile daughter was out of control./  Officers responded and advised the complainant.

1920 hrs Theft/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ Complainant said someone stole his identity. / Officers responded and spoke with the complainant and gathered the facts for a written report.

1933 hrs Premise Check/ 8461 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

2024 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

2155 hrs Premise Check/ 8300 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

2203 hrs Premise Check/ 5305 85th Ave./ All Clear.

2313 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0144 hrs Premise Check/ 5400 Blk 85th Ave./ All Clear.

0150 hrs Domestic/ 5800 Blk Nystrom St./ Complainant gave address and hung up./ Officers responded and determined a domestic assault had occurred. The male half was subsequently placed under arrest.

0307 hrs Premise Check/ 8100 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

0434 hrs Premise Check/ 8461 Annapolis Rd./ All Clear.

Have a great day and enjoy the beautiful weather!

- Chief Rice 


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