2/25 1800 hrs., Property Damage/ 5506 Karen Elaine Dr., the complainant stated that juveniles were throwing rocks at his window. Suspects fled making good of their escape. 1845 hrs., Commerical Alarm/ Suntrust Bank, all windows and doors are secured. 1850 hrs., Domestic Dispute/ 5311 85th Av., the complainant stated that she was involved in a dispute with boyfriend in Lanham, MD and wanted information to assist with separation. She was referred to PG Crisis and Court. 1900 hrs Missing Person/ 6117 Lamont Dr., the parents reported that their daughter missing person after being caught by PGPD earlier truant from school and did not want to face disciplinary action by the parents. She has no medical history of mental illness and in overall good health. Photo obtained and broadcast given. PGPD Det. and Lt. Butler were notified. 1915 hrs., Customer Dispute/ Cozi Furniture, the complainant was having a dispute over a delivery. He was referred to civil court. 2010 hrs., Assisted PGSA/ 820...
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