0949 Hours -Disorderly-7600 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers responded to this location for a report of a disorderly. Officers met with the caller, who advised her son had been missing school and hanging around the 7/11. The caller was advised to file for a CINS through the district court. No Report 1026 Hours -Disorderly- 6016 Princess Garden Pkwy: Officers responded to this location to assist NCPD staff with a vehicle release. The guest was advised of identification rules and procedures. No Report 1117 Hours -Family Dispute- 55 00 Block of Karen Elaine Dr: Officers responded to this location for a report of a dispute between brothers. Officers served one party with a protection order and escorted him from the location. Report Written 1121 Hours -Domestic- 53 00 Block of 85th Ave: Officers responded to this location for a report of a domestic dispute. Both parties refused to cooperate with officers. No Report 1328 Hours...
0814 Hours - Premise Check- 84 00 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers conducted a check of this location for any issues. No Report 1004 Hours - Subject Stop- 77 00 Block of Riverdale Rd: Officers observed a male loitering around the building. The male was stopped and advised on loitering laws. No Report 1010 Hours - Disorderly- 84 00 Block of Annapolis Rd: Officers responded to this location for a report of a disorderly male asking customers for money. The male was stopped, identified, checked negative for warrants, advised of loitering and soliciting laws and sent on his way. Report Written 1200 Hours - Disorderly- 83 00 Block of Quintana St: Officers responded to this location for a report of a dispute between a parent and the school staff. The caller was advised that due to past events between him and the school, he was no longer allowed on school grounds and sent on his way. No Report 1205 Hours - Check...